Well cold is no longer just creeping up he has arrived and set up residence in my sinuses. Just when the weather breaks and its all sunny and 70 degrees out yuck
Oh well at least I will get to sleep in tomorrow. Time for some
noodle soup.
nothing really that interesting going on. I went to a Vikings exhibit at the science museum and bought a years membership so I can see all the omnitheater films for free.
I will leave you with apassage I just read from "awakening the buddha within"
When you wake up, stat the day by reaffirming intention to practice loving-kindness and compassion, Remind yourself to work at letting go to ego clinging behavior. selfishness, controlling behavior, negative thoughts, possesiveness, resentment, and confusion. resolve each day to find one small way that you can change a frozen behavior pattern and try to do so.
When you lie down at night reflect on the day that was, remember your accomplishments and your frustrations. Things done as well as undone. Who or what pushed your buttons? Use clear discernmentand discriminating awareness to genuinely examine your behavior and the quality of your life. Recognize your familiar repetitive patterns. Assess how fruitful they actually are.
Finally examine your day for lingering resentments and self-destructive, harmful, ego-centric, or narcisistic thoughts. Find joy in awakening the nobel hearted spirit of bohichitta. Rejoice in all the good works of both ohters and yourself, and share in all that good karma. It will help you find rest
Then rest "Done is what is had to be done." as the Buddha said.
" Wait wait!" a follower cried after buddha disappeared into the forest .
"I already stopped a long time ago" Buddha replied. "When will you stop?"
hmm I know its long buit sometimes these entries are just for me.
I think I have a hard time being aware of my own self destructive behavior patterns. I have a hard time letting go of anything, including my resentments. I will try to change one small behavior tomorrow( i am going to sleep now) to increase the amount of loving kindness I practice. Cause honestly I am full of alot of anti-loving kindness lately and it feels toxic.
Love and peace y'all especially peace.

Oh well at least I will get to sleep in tomorrow. Time for some

nothing really that interesting going on. I went to a Vikings exhibit at the science museum and bought a years membership so I can see all the omnitheater films for free.

I will leave you with apassage I just read from "awakening the buddha within"
When you wake up, stat the day by reaffirming intention to practice loving-kindness and compassion, Remind yourself to work at letting go to ego clinging behavior. selfishness, controlling behavior, negative thoughts, possesiveness, resentment, and confusion. resolve each day to find one small way that you can change a frozen behavior pattern and try to do so.
When you lie down at night reflect on the day that was, remember your accomplishments and your frustrations. Things done as well as undone. Who or what pushed your buttons? Use clear discernmentand discriminating awareness to genuinely examine your behavior and the quality of your life. Recognize your familiar repetitive patterns. Assess how fruitful they actually are.
Finally examine your day for lingering resentments and self-destructive, harmful, ego-centric, or narcisistic thoughts. Find joy in awakening the nobel hearted spirit of bohichitta. Rejoice in all the good works of both ohters and yourself, and share in all that good karma. It will help you find rest
Then rest "Done is what is had to be done." as the Buddha said.
" Wait wait!" a follower cried after buddha disappeared into the forest .
"I already stopped a long time ago" Buddha replied. "When will you stop?"
hmm I know its long buit sometimes these entries are just for me.
I think I have a hard time being aware of my own self destructive behavior patterns. I have a hard time letting go of anything, including my resentments. I will try to change one small behavior tomorrow( i am going to sleep now) to increase the amount of loving kindness I practice. Cause honestly I am full of alot of anti-loving kindness lately and it feels toxic.

Love and peace y'all especially peace.

And there are few things more interesting than a Viking exhibit.