Well I just started reading "Awaking the Buddah Within" again. Last few days I have been really genuinely happy and it sacres the shit out of me.
I mean I have been sort of depressed on and off for several years, but mostly not seriously depressed in any way but just blah all the time. I had thought I had come to terms with it, I wasnt suicidal or anything so I accepted my personality was not likethose "happy shiny people....holding hands"
( gotcha with another annoying song you will try to burn out of your mind he he he)
But really the last week or so I have started to realize what I have been missing. And it is scary, I have realized that JOY
is such a great thing and that I shouldnt give up anymore of my life to joyless moments or pursuits than I absolutely have to.
Right now I am trying to sustain my joy for as long as I can hence the rereading of buddist type book, I also recognize that if things go back to the way they were, prolonged period of blahs, I will probably need to seek "chemical help" to rebalance my life and neurotransmitters, which I am loathe to do.
What does it mean to you to be enlightened?
I mean I have been sort of depressed on and off for several years, but mostly not seriously depressed in any way but just blah all the time. I had thought I had come to terms with it, I wasnt suicidal or anything so I accepted my personality was not likethose "happy shiny people....holding hands"
( gotcha with another annoying song you will try to burn out of your mind he he he)
But really the last week or so I have started to realize what I have been missing. And it is scary, I have realized that JOY

Right now I am trying to sustain my joy for as long as I can hence the rereading of buddist type book, I also recognize that if things go back to the way they were, prolonged period of blahs, I will probably need to seek "chemical help" to rebalance my life and neurotransmitters, which I am loathe to do.
What does it mean to you to be enlightened?
I agree with lovecat, I get attached very easily too, and have a hard time letting go but tend to do so a bit more easily when I am practicing, I have better clarity, i see thing from a diffirent prospective.
[Edited on Mar 12, 2003]
Keep at it.