IT is THor s Day, where is my hammer? The moon is full and bright and round and clear. Hmm when I took this ID picture I had the feelings of magnetic emanations all around me??
The vibrations seemed to radiate from the frontal lobe and situate themselves in the middle of my Id and Ego and center for feeling blue, and then glance off into space. Wondered what my aura looked like, maybe a Swami with a turban?
I really am feeling the need for a "befriending" by someone who knows the ropes and in's and outs of this SG labrynth? and need to do a "rendering" of some wondrously beautiful SG girl into some mystical goddess or jungle queen.

I really am feeling the need for a "befriending" by someone who knows the ropes and in's and outs of this SG labrynth? and need to do a "rendering" of some wondrously beautiful SG girl into some mystical goddess or jungle queen.

Thanks for the sweet email. Don't worry, you'll figure out the site pretty soon. It's pretty addictive, so a few hours and you'll get it. Make sure to join a few groups, and the boards are always fun if you're bored. But I think you will find yourself more than occupied by checking out all the photosets, there are so many now!