Well its been well fo'eva since i put up a friggin update to this thing well as you last new i was a really friggin happy mo fo and to a degree i still am but i'm kinda well bored now all the fun exciting things going on dulled down. I got to deal with Baby Mama Drama for the first time ever. Was interesting,...
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of course i read my comments! thank you for empathizing.

i, too, am very happy i am here. i love this city and know i will be here for a while!
ive always wanted to go to an anime convention, ahh the girls. love hope things start to go smoother with " yo babys mama"

Well lets see the trip to New York is all over many fun times were had, got lots of new drunken stories to tell. Considering i was drinking 8 out of the 10 days i was in NYC thats kinda not hard to fathom. I've been back for over a week and life has been good, and i just felt like saying I'm happy. This...
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Thanks smile.
So its already Thursday and i've been on vacation for seven days now a quick rundown of what we've accomplished since friday:
-Stopped bothering a muslim so he could pray to his invisible sky beast so it doesn't smite him
-Learned my buddy Nick has no tact on an airplane by giving some 40-something ladies a cheap thrill at his expense
-Found an irish sports...
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Happy Birthday! smile
VACATION!!!! Yay friday is so friggin' close and i'll be in NYC. YAY!!! wow this is kinda sad for a journal entry
Neewww Yoorrrkk is thatta way maan.sorry i watch too much simpsons.
Thankyou from the heart of my bottom. tongue
Well i guess i should get around to updating this thing-a-ma-bobber which is something i'm not what i'm used to but oh well. So the month started off awesome, i happened to wake up bum fucking early on the first but i ended up just having a great time with friends outside of crappy traffic conditions. Saturday was kinda well dull but i guess dull...
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So finally i'm up on SG you can blame it on on that NJ wonder named Iggy. (*Shakes Fist) Well i hope you're happy and i am looking forward to getting into the SG community. Oh and sorry for the crap pic its the most recent i got. Well i don't know what else to say so... -PEACE
HELLO!! kiss
Welcome to SG!!biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

Kisses kiss kiss