I survived parenting class. It wasn't as bad as expected. More than anything, it just makes me worry so much about how we may be fucking up our daughter's life
So, going to try again to forgive, to let go of the anger and resentment and the sometimes downright hatred - for Grace's sake.
If I don't do anything else right in this world, please let me be a good father....and let my baby grow up happy, loved, and well-adjusted
Land of the dead was awesome. Charlie Murphy was king zombie - haha!
That, and it's just cool to have friends again, and come home to random inviteds to movies, dinner, etc.
I love you internet, but I love having a life away from you - again...finally
I need a nap, I'm drained

So, going to try again to forgive, to let go of the anger and resentment and the sometimes downright hatred - for Grace's sake.
If I don't do anything else right in this world, please let me be a good father....and let my baby grow up happy, loved, and well-adjusted
Land of the dead was awesome. Charlie Murphy was king zombie - haha!
That, and it's just cool to have friends again, and come home to random inviteds to movies, dinner, etc.
I love you internet, but I love having a life away from you - again...finally
I need a nap, I'm drained
Glad you survived class. And I updated.

As long as I live in this town I doubt I would get invites or "real" friends away from that "internet" thing.