es ist mir schon allein zu sein, zum beispiel hier im alternheim, zum bespeil heir am imbiss stand ein leeres bier in deiner hand ---
noch was---
so they put these dogs in little box rooms.The walls were high enough so that the dogs had to struggle to get out -but they could do it .. the floor of these rooms gave off electrical shocks a little after a bell was rung -- so the dogs learned to climb out after hearing the bell-- then the walls were raised - so the dogs could barely not make it over ... they kept trying after hearing the bell -- but after a while they quit trying-- it was impossible anyways--so they kept getting shocked and would just wimper and cry as the floor shocked them. so they started lowering the walls -- but the dogs had quit trying and would just endure the shock and cry- they lowered the wall lower than they had originally been-- which was then really low and wouldnt require much effort ----- so the lab people finally just started picking them up and showing them they could get out -- --
noch was---
so they put these dogs in little box rooms.The walls were high enough so that the dogs had to struggle to get out -but they could do it .. the floor of these rooms gave off electrical shocks a little after a bell was rung -- so the dogs learned to climb out after hearing the bell-- then the walls were raised - so the dogs could barely not make it over ... they kept trying after hearing the bell -- but after a while they quit trying-- it was impossible anyways--so they kept getting shocked and would just wimper and cry as the floor shocked them. so they started lowering the walls -- but the dogs had quit trying and would just endure the shock and cry- they lowered the wall lower than they had originally been-- which was then really low and wouldnt require much effort ----- so the lab people finally just started picking them up and showing them they could get out -- --
Hey! You're not allowed to make me feel like that!

yr mom's mod