Howdy hoo I changed my profile picture. Seeeeee.
I am poor again and I don't like it. I have the tiniest lump of hash left which I will most definitely have smoked by the end of the week and my shoe is seriously falling apart and I'm gonna have no money for anything because I'm not working and its a pile of stinky sloppy shit. But atleast I have hash to smoke tonight and chocolate to eat, too
My little brother has gone off camping to Wales with his youth centre thing, which means that the sitting room is free for me to sleep in
(my brother sleeps in the sitting room... cramped living space... but he doesnt mind... and my big sister is moving out soon anyway...) and that is super cool because I get sick of sharing a room and bed with my sister (shes lovely and everything, she cooks me sheperds pie, but we spend alot of time together so we get tired of ecahother). So the past two night I've had a jolly old time down there staying up late on my own, smoking a joint and wtahcing a shitty video and then listening to nice music on my cd player and then having a wank
Oh what joy it is to masturbate in peace. And my sister named my vibrator Willy Wonka but I decided just Wonka sounds better.
I had vegan sheperds pie and avocado salad for dinner ans that was goooood.
Wednesday, Wednesday... hmm... nope.. nothing good on tv... gonna have to find me a book!
I cant fucking wait to go to Wales. Not long now, not long.
Edited to add this...
My sister and I. My sister looks like doctor who in her scarf and she has a volcano spot on her forehead. Poor thing. My angry face is directed at a girl called Rachel Halle. She is a pigslut single white female and she copies. And I hate copies. Especially when they're sly like the pigslut.
I am poor again and I don't like it. I have the tiniest lump of hash left which I will most definitely have smoked by the end of the week and my shoe is seriously falling apart and I'm gonna have no money for anything because I'm not working and its a pile of stinky sloppy shit. But atleast I have hash to smoke tonight and chocolate to eat, too

My little brother has gone off camping to Wales with his youth centre thing, which means that the sitting room is free for me to sleep in

I had vegan sheperds pie and avocado salad for dinner ans that was goooood.
Wednesday, Wednesday... hmm... nope.. nothing good on tv... gonna have to find me a book!
I cant fucking wait to go to Wales. Not long now, not long.
Edited to add this...

My sister and I. My sister looks like doctor who in her scarf and she has a volcano spot on her forehead. Poor thing. My angry face is directed at a girl called Rachel Halle. She is a pigslut single white female and she copies. And I hate copies. Especially when they're sly like the pigslut.
i am quite the user of the first in the air with anger, usually with a growl and mumble of incoherent obscenities...
wonderful. especially when you are woken from a nap twice (!) when you are quite quite exhausted..
er.. yeh.. aaanyway. (hi).