i am pissed. my brothers got a girlfriend now and i get stuck hanging out by myself now. no fun. i got my old job back. im a stupid casino tech again. how boring. but im making 14 dollars an hour. yay. now i can buy all the stupid shit i dont need. maybe i can save up and buy a wife. i hear there...
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what the hell is going on. im gone for a month or so, and the whole place looks different. i walked to the front door and couldnt find the right key, (forgot my password) so i ran for the spare (e-mailing a new password) i come in, and i find out that there is no mail. (dammit. dont you people care about me) all my...
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happy birthdaysmile
need you ask why your here take a gander around ...new yes but its all good smile
hope you had a good holiday
i have done it. i know what im going to be. a punching bag. no
im studying poker, and pool, and hopefully i will spend the rest of my life making money at both. i hate work.
i lost a bet this week. i told some girl at the pool hall that if she beat me at a game, i would buy her a pool...
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i woke up.
i played pool.
i watched t.v.
i went online.

thats all
are you sure you didn't miss anything?
hello fellow........ whatever you call yourselves. hi. i am sitting in front of this damb computer everyday now. i have lost my life. i am so tired of living in this white trash, redneck, no horse town. this place sucks. if it wasnt for the fact that i can play pool at the hall for free, id leave. that and i have no money, or...
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woooo there. are you going to the MSI concert on monday in San Francisco? you far from there?
Gilroy? I feel your pain....
I graduated there in 2000 with Moki here....
i am cold, i am tired, and i still dont have a job. anyone know anyone that needs a sniper for hire?
happy halloween,
today i went to the hospitol to visit my sick mother. she wont be out for two days. i got a comment on my costume, which i think is very funny, because i wasnt wearing one. i wore my black leather trenchcoat, with all black cloths underneath, and a pair of black sunglasses. no one understands that i wasnt trying to be neo...
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i cant find a job, i cant get a girl, i cant even play pool today. the power is out in half of my small white trash, red-neck town. today is the day i normally go to the local pool hall, watch aj act like hes drunk (2 smirnoffs is NOT drunk) listen to brian and aj talk about the girls playing at another...
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what if I can't stand the taste of vodka?
I can drink pickle juice straight. tongue I just downed 3 quarts of orange juice in a day though.
i have no friends. for twenty years ive had no life. ive never been to a party. my total lifelong alchohol consumption has been ten smirnoffs. i dont drink (anymore) smoke, or do any form of drugs. i have lived a life of contemplation with no use of fear, hatred, or greed. last night, i watched a 16 year old highschool girl get felt up...
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sometimes people don't feel they have the right to interfer because of what other people might think or because they think its not there place. But my best friend was raped as well when we were younger. he took her virginity and gave her a diesease and although i wouldn't suggest killing this guy your talking about its probably a good idea to say something, to someone. it might not do anything but if you could get him away from her for a minute then maybe you'll change the rest of her life
this is life for me.

wake up at noon. look for a job for 5 hours just to find out that my small white-trash redneck town doesnt have any good jobs. i go to the local pool hall or i go to my brothers house and hang there until midnight. usually play some gamecube, play poker online, or check my account here, just to find...
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hello, hello, hello.
today i learned the 5 things about being atheist that suck.

1. can't take special holidays like yom kippur or martin luther king day.
2. i keep forgeting about pork and jewish people.
3. i can't stand going to church, and ive been to 2 funerals in a month.
4. i really can't say "my beliefs"
5. other people don't realize that...
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have you ever had that one crazy chick want you soooo much, that she threw herself at you all the time, and you had no interest in her what-so-ever, but when she told you she found someone else, you feel kinda sad about it...............me neither.
Yet another Ukiahian smile ahh I'm feelin at home
about your situation yea it kinda feels wierd to have to rolls reversed