So what can I say. I've had quiet an extrodinary few days. I finally bitch slapped my parents verbally instead of physically, and I feel great. I mean yeah now there not speaking to me but who fucking cares. And school is starting to be a real bummer. AHHHHHHHHH . ok that was fun. I miss my baby and its only been 1 day since I haven't seen or heard from him. I can't complain though I mean I did see him for a few days of pure euphoria, but I love him so much that when I'm not with him I feel like my skin is peeling off and it drives me crazy cuz he's my only antidote. I took a few pictures with my web cam today but and little by little I am realizing I need a fucking digital camera i think i might buy that new camera Canon is advertising on tv with the tennis girl Maria Sharpova or whatever it is . All's I know is I need a cam I want to start viewing my life through a lens other then my eyes. well i'm out for another day of pure annoyance by a 4 yr old. much love to all and you know who you are.