Hello all i missed you !!! KISSES!!! well sorry i have't been on for a while i've just been going insane with all work and shit and being suicidal cuz of birth control. But yeah i'm fine now doing some fun stuff becuase of the summer . I went to the nude beach in robert moses . Saw an orgy happen my 3 times since my friends were part of it. I'm a good girl i did the picture taking. had mad beer, tequila and pot. it was great . I also have been fixing up my shit apartment alot cuz it sucks so it needs to be a bit habitable . Just got a new xbox. have been playing assassins creed , dead rising, halo 3 , and GTA4 alot! Love the system; look for me i'm BLACKTOURNIQUET ! any ways hopefully i will be putting up new pics till then i have none but what ever .