So the new year rung with lots of happiness for some people i mean atleast the world didn't end yet , but I already know its gonna suck and i'm already hoping that it ends. to mention a few reasons for my pessamism ( if thats word) my aunt passed away at 10 am yesterday after battling cancer for 4 years and i won't even get to say my last goodbye cuz she lives in colombia and my mom had to fly out there in tears alone cuz we can't afford to take 6 persons with us . then to add i havent registered for school yet and i don't even have enough money to do it , my hair looks like shit and i have gained so much weight in the last year that when ever someone asks me if i lost weight i have to scream i got bigger pants fuckers
i hate being this big i miss being a normal size 7 and a size 12 is not as great as some people think it is . i mean i don;t want six pack abs and i don't want to be rail thin i just want to be a bit slimmer and not have to worry about whothinks i look fat or not !! oh well atleast kaelic still loves me and my fat lard ass
and he doesn;t
when he see me naked!! cuz i'm such a