cheap and easy. just the way i like 'em.
so anyhow. what are you doing down here anyhow..
just hanging out with iggy?
and fuckin' girls?
just curious.
i dunno when ill be in miami next.
probably for the andre williams show.
anyhow. take i 95 to 595..
and get off on..
Made it to Miami. Had the photo show. Good experience . Now scrambling for job,apt.,money,etc...
Oh God, for the day when I have a permanent house and enough money to leave it when I want to.
My friend and I would get in your spaceship for the right price. She's broke as hell and I think she'll do just about anything to get some cash. I'll just be along for the ride
I'm going to go insane.I have way to much work to do in a short time and that means i,m going to have to sit in front of the computer for every hour of the next week and a half.My eyeballs are already burning.I'm such a fuck-up' i've wasted so much time over the last month.The story of my life.Why God why???