It took her long enough.
Well the answer form her was a "no."

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MY PORTFOLIO IS 50% FINISHED. Please feel free to check out my photography. (For all you GUYS "looking for snatch," SORRY. I don't do porn; I only do art.)
I finally emailed Oki and to be honest, I'm really nervous about what she's gonna say when she responds!
have you ever had someone in your head and you didn't think to much of them,...
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I finally emailed Oki and to be honest, I'm really nervous about what she's gonna say when she responds!

have you ever had someone in your head and you didn't think to much of them,...
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Any friend of Kay's has got to be a good guy. Good luck with Oki, although it sounds like she's a little preoccupied. And Dude, we're from the same neck of the woods!

ps. porn can be art to
I sent Oki a nessage cuz I want to see her again. I have a had a crush on her since October when I met her in person. My crush didn't start there though. it started when I got home and read her profile for the first time. She's not only extremely beautiful (good things come in smal packages) but she tries so hard to...
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No date for Valentine's.
Oh well, it's the worst day of the year anyways. More people break up before or on Valentine's Day then any other day of the year, making it the most non romantic day in the world.
Who ever envented Valentine's Day, I hope they were burned at the steak and their ashes sent to space only to burn up further...
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Oh well, it's the worst day of the year anyways. More people break up before or on Valentine's Day then any other day of the year, making it the most non romantic day in the world.
Who ever envented Valentine's Day, I hope they were burned at the steak and their ashes sent to space only to burn up further...
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And I HATE you for bringing the subject of valentines day into my mind!

STILL NO WORD FROM Oki. (Everyone knows already that I have a HUGE crush on her. Right?)
My legs are doing alot better now. I stopped taking the pain killers and my calves are healing nicely!
I'm going for an interview Monday for a job with a medical supply company. Possibly lab work. It's local too. Ya! I don't have to drive to fuck'n...
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My legs are doing alot better now. I stopped taking the pain killers and my calves are healing nicely!

I'm going for an interview Monday for a job with a medical supply company. Possibly lab work. It's local too. Ya! I don't have to drive to fuck'n...
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After man pain killers and laying in bed for man days, and several days of stetches (that hurt like a son-of-a-bitch:eek
, doping the backs of my calves (they were bruised purple)..... I think I'm ok again!...
But I want to thank everone who's IMed me or emailed me. I got to go to the computer once a day...
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But I want to thank everone who's IMed me or emailed me. I got to go to the computer once a day...
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Take care you! Sheesh!
*hug* Warm juju to your sister as well!
*hug* Warm juju to your sister as well!
I'm waiting for my ride in case ANY of you are wondering WHY I'm writing if THIS acutaly happened.
ok. I almost just had both my legs broken just now!!! fuck!
I was moving this HUGE cabinet for me older sister when th thing let loose and slid off the back of the truck and RIGHT into my shins. I felt a SNAP of some...
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ok. I almost just had both my legs broken just now!!! fuck!
I was moving this HUGE cabinet for me older sister when th thing let loose and slid off the back of the truck and RIGHT into my shins. I felt a SNAP of some...
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eek. I hope your legs are ok!
damn hun. i hope your ok. let us know how things went at the ER

So much for a decent day job. The manager at the place is very rude. I don't think I could live day to day puting up with his crap no matter how much you paid me.
The job search continues! I'm not stayin at BestBuy forever, but it was the first job I could get apon moving to Charlotte. I needed the money.
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So much for a decent day job. The manager at the place is very rude. I don't think I could live day to day puting up with his crap no matter how much you paid me.
The job search continues! I'm not stayin at BestBuy forever, but it was the first job I could get apon moving to Charlotte. I needed the money.
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what's up mate?
is the best buy you work at on Independence Blvd.?
Went to a Holloween costume party dressed as Glenn Danzig (including Misfits mask). Know one but 2 punks recognised it.
I'm gonna miss AGFA film. It was my favorite B&W film company and now they're bankrupt.
Got a new job and then found out Oki lost hers.
I got a crush on Oki. I barely know her. I ran into her at the SuicideGirls...
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I'm gonna miss AGFA film. It was my favorite B&W film company and now they're bankrupt.
Got a new job and then found out Oki lost hers.
I got a crush on Oki. I barely know her. I ran into her at the SuicideGirls...
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Thanx for the message. I did see the burlesque dhow at Amos' . It was awesome! A good place to meet other sg fans is on the sgnc group. They also have a south carolina one, but since you are close to charlotte and the sgnc group seems to be more active, I would check them out
Hope you have a good holiday season!
Thanx for the message. I did see the burlesque dhow at Amos' . It was awesome! A good place to meet other sg fans is on the sgnc group. They also have a south carolina one, but since you are close to charlotte and the sgnc group seems to be more active, I would check them out

Me! duh!
Random photographs I've done (and sold!)
I'm moving from Alexandria, VA to Fort Mill, SC in 2 weeks. I was born and raised here and now I'm moving South to be closer to the rest of my family.
Any SGs down in the Charlotte, NC area, PLEASE contact me. I'm a photographer and I'm moving to "Nobody-knows-me" land and I'd like to make some friends. I cook really good too! So...
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Any SGs down in the Charlotte, NC area, PLEASE contact me. I'm a photographer and I'm moving to "Nobody-knows-me" land and I'd like to make some friends. I cook really good too! So...
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Welcome to Charlotte

I know you'll take this personally, but it isn't intended as such. I don't have anything against you, I'm just going with my intuition.
Take care.