okay so yeah. your mom and such.
lets see.... my dog made it in the Bayonet (the newspaper here on base)
right next to his picture it says "park your dog here!"
which is funny... because every dog there humps my little man...
i think he likes it. i dont think he knows hes a dude...
so hopefully my dear hubby passes his p.t. test on monday... so that he can start ranger school next weekend.
im not saying i want him gone... but the sooner he starts the sooner he'll finish!!!
this gym regiment me neighber and i have going on is working very well.
im going every day and im feeling healthier as the days go on.
im trying not to eat as much shit and im making food more than im going out and eating food.
my body hasnt really shown too much difference but, i know that takes time.
its only been two weeks.
i really love having some kinda schedule down here... doing something every day makes the days go by faster.
i also love being at the dog park.
i dont know how lonely and rediculous that sounds... but its a fact and i cant deny it.
ive made hilariously awesome friends there and it too.. is a schedule that i have for everyday and keeps the days going by faster and faster.
i kinda cant wait to get out of fort benning...
maybe its the ants that bite me whenever i step outside.
maybe its the rediculous heat that makes me obcessed with air conditioning.
maybe its the fact that theres a very minimum amount of people here who enjoy the same shit i do...
or maybe its just the fact that i need change so often that i am already (6 months into this) ready for a change of scenery.
i just want to see what life will be like in new york (fort drum)
yes, itll be cold.
but i decided im gonna work or go back to school as soon as i get there.
since i have less than six months left here and im gonna be home for a good three weeks i decided its not worth it to try and get a temp job.
im just gonna enjoy doing nothing the best i can.
okay this is a really long blog for me...
how about some pictures!!!!
this is two of the three jump towers that i stare at everyday and wish i could fall from...
this is a cute baby panda
and this is a funny .gif i stole from prettytraincrash's myspace.
thats about it for now...
peace out whorebags.
lets see.... my dog made it in the Bayonet (the newspaper here on base)
right next to his picture it says "park your dog here!"
which is funny... because every dog there humps my little man...
i think he likes it. i dont think he knows hes a dude...
so hopefully my dear hubby passes his p.t. test on monday... so that he can start ranger school next weekend.
im not saying i want him gone... but the sooner he starts the sooner he'll finish!!!
this gym regiment me neighber and i have going on is working very well.
im going every day and im feeling healthier as the days go on.
im trying not to eat as much shit and im making food more than im going out and eating food.
my body hasnt really shown too much difference but, i know that takes time.
its only been two weeks.
i really love having some kinda schedule down here... doing something every day makes the days go by faster.
i also love being at the dog park.
i dont know how lonely and rediculous that sounds... but its a fact and i cant deny it.
ive made hilariously awesome friends there and it too.. is a schedule that i have for everyday and keeps the days going by faster and faster.
i kinda cant wait to get out of fort benning...
maybe its the ants that bite me whenever i step outside.
maybe its the rediculous heat that makes me obcessed with air conditioning.
maybe its the fact that theres a very minimum amount of people here who enjoy the same shit i do...
or maybe its just the fact that i need change so often that i am already (6 months into this) ready for a change of scenery.
i just want to see what life will be like in new york (fort drum)
yes, itll be cold.
but i decided im gonna work or go back to school as soon as i get there.
since i have less than six months left here and im gonna be home for a good three weeks i decided its not worth it to try and get a temp job.
im just gonna enjoy doing nothing the best i can.
okay this is a really long blog for me...
how about some pictures!!!!
this is two of the three jump towers that i stare at everyday and wish i could fall from...
this is a cute baby panda
and this is a funny .gif i stole from prettytraincrash's myspace.
thats about it for now...
peace out whorebags.
I miss the north like whoa....and its not that Alabama is that bad, just NJ is my home....
Haha, Ranger Sanchez is a queer-boy!!! That's what you get for making fun of my vocabulary, turdface. I just got back from a weeks leave back home in old Kentucky. Not much has changed, so I'm fine with being back here now. But you still suck girl. Loser.