Who would be a poor man, a beggarman, a thief --
if he had a rich man in his hand.
And who would steal the candy
from a laughing baby's mouth
if he could take it from the money man.
Cross-eyed Mary goes jumping in again.
She signs no contract
but she always plays the game.
Dines in Hampstead village
on expense accounted gruel,
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if he had a rich man in his hand.
And who would steal the candy
from a laughing baby's mouth
if he could take it from the money man.
Cross-eyed Mary goes jumping in again.
She signs no contract
but she always plays the game.
Dines in Hampstead village
on expense accounted gruel,
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Holy Colonel Cum-chunks, Batman!
Hey douchenozzle, can you bring my copy of Waking Life to work tomorrow?
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to...
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You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to...
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I chose the long hard path
I'm wandering
In self-denial for so long I bled
To find the truth in all I say and do
My darkest hour
upon the suicide wall
Still I condemn myself
Look for the answer now
All I denied myself
Kill me
In the end you know Ill live again
Remember all those things that passed me by
In looking...
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I'm wandering
In self-denial for so long I bled
To find the truth in all I say and do
My darkest hour
upon the suicide wall
Still I condemn myself
Look for the answer now
All I denied myself
Kill me
In the end you know Ill live again
Remember all those things that passed me by
In looking...
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I keep blowing my nose. It makes my nose hurt, but I just keep doing it so people don't have to see snot streaking down my face, so they will still talk to me even though I'm covering something up. Wouldn't it be easier to just lean over a giant pot for like 2 weeks instead?
so i got my first real tattoo today. kinda odd looking at my self in the mirror now. my first tattoo's where behind my ears, so they werent in my field of vision, this ones on my arm and will eventually be a quater sleave. so its just kinda odd now, but in a good way. week after next i'm going to get in colored...
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need pics!!!!!!
thanks for the link. My leg hurts from hitting it. haha.
lucid nightmares.... that's like Nightmare on Elmstreet, right?
lucid nightmares.... that's like Nightmare on Elmstreet, right?
i shaved my head. it feels good, clean, smooth, the water runs down my scalp. its cleansing. its rejuvenating. i feel clean, and that is a luxury.
hails brother!! thx for adding me to freinds an accepting mine!black metal doom metal crust an grind!!!woo hoo!!! hell yeah, stay sick.
thunder in the night forever.
thunder in the night forever.
Take that guy off Jake.
so i could run into a lovers arms or through a plate glass window off the 10th story. this is what i feel like when i wake up. when i mean wake up, i mean, in a hyperalert sense. every now and then, i get into these moods. like somthing smacks me in the face and i suddenly can just know where i am, who...
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between Eagle & Star backroads? i used to go out to the huge subdivision off the highway towards emmett on the left and just sit & look at the lights for hours. something about sitting on a car in between incomplete houses for rich people and just staring...
One time, driving inbetween Eagle and Emmet somewhere, with Patrick, we were going about 90 mph at 3 am. All of a sudden, the road turned into a 3 way intersection, and the way we were goign was a dead end.
We did a 540 spin and it made the hair in my shit stand on end. First from fear, then from excitement.
I can't wait for summer too. I love sitting on the roof, especially when it gets really windy. Theres nothing like hot, dusty, summer wind.
We did a 540 spin and it made the hair in my shit stand on end. First from fear, then from excitement.
I can't wait for summer too. I love sitting on the roof, especially when it gets really windy. Theres nothing like hot, dusty, summer wind.
trying to cut down on the "whats if's" in my life.
steve sounds like me.
what if i made bloody marys by sticking my hands in a blender?
so all in all i've had a very interesting weekend, and thats an understantment.

Is it as good as mine? I ran full speed into this parking lot barricade, ate shit, and now my hand and stomach are sore. Oh yeah and I downed a fifth of Jim Beam. Great time.
no more beer for Mia.
so i had a good day, and a good night. got industrials in both my ears, so thats 4 cartladge percings in one day. got waisted at a redneck bar in nampa with mia, pinkisux genocidal robot and few people that i'll never meet again. all in all, a good night.
oh ya, my mom found this site and went through my profile, so now...
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oh ya, my mom found this site and went through my profile, so now...
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Me and steve got in a sliced bread fight, and steve sprained his thumb wrestling billy. Of course.
i owe you a beer, kind sir. let me know when you would like to collect.
so i'm pissed, i'm very pissed. i do something nice, because i care, i get disrespect in return. and not just something nice, i go out of my way to do somthing nice, because i care, and understand how hard life can be, and all i want is to just know that i'm respected for that. but i'm not. i am a man with boundaries...
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The very fact that you posted this, means you're asking for attention, and sympathy.
If you don't have something to be mad about, you're not happy.
If you don't have something to be mad about, you're not happy.
so its good to feel fairly proficient at something. i built my new computer this week, and i am feeling very proficient. besides that, the feeling of loneliness seems to be tugging at my boot straps lately, not shure why, but i'll fight it off with a percing or two or just another tattoo.
ha, that rymes, anywho, i'm going to get a few picks...
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ha, that rymes, anywho, i'm going to get a few picks...
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i recall you bitching about getting stunned in the ass with my stun gun... dude you have no idea how much more painful it could have been.
last nite i accidentally got stunned with maximillian's stun gun. i have burn marks and my left wrist still hurts.
but wait til you see the pictures my friend....
last nite i accidentally got stunned with maximillian's stun gun. i have burn marks and my left wrist still hurts.
but wait til you see the pictures my friend....
is it wrong to re-read Dune again in order to find a quote that means something to you now, and get it permanently placed into your skin?
goodbye's are bittersweet, and at some point in time we all have to go through them. but if there's any good to come out of a heartfelt goodbye, its that it reminds you of what you experienced with that person, bad or good. besides, when do we really know what we had until we can feel the hollow of its absence through us.
I'm reading Beyond Good and Evil right now.
..this version is R.J. Hollingdale.
It's pretty well translated. I'll check out the other too.
It's pretty well translated. I'll check out the other too.