Ahhhh! the joys of broadband! (ye gods! I'm such a geek! oh well...)
My mate Hide (Pronounced HEE-day) brought me back this AMAZING green tea from Osaka. It seems to have roasted rice and what can only be described as popcorn in it.
It is absolutely GORGEOUS!
...On the downside...
My flat seems to have developed a strange....yet familiar smell....
Yep! It's official! I have a mouse lodging with me!
Time my cat earned her upkeep.
'scuse me a sec...
My gig is less than a week away. God! I wish I was on tour! all this once a month nonsense is really begining to grate.
Reading: Better than Sex:Fear and loathing on the Campaign Trail.
Listening to: Zep-How the West was Won.(AAAgain)
My mate Hide (Pronounced HEE-day) brought me back this AMAZING green tea from Osaka. It seems to have roasted rice and what can only be described as popcorn in it.
It is absolutely GORGEOUS!
...On the downside...
My flat seems to have developed a strange....yet familiar smell....
Yep! It's official! I have a mouse lodging with me!
Time my cat earned her upkeep.
'scuse me a sec...

My gig is less than a week away. God! I wish I was on tour! all this once a month nonsense is really begining to grate.
Reading: Better than Sex:Fear and loathing on the Campaign Trail.
Listening to: Zep-How the West was Won.(AAAgain)
but suggest it again in a few months and i might change my mind.
good luck with the mouse and the gig.