By accident or chance, perhaps the simple whims of the gods I remembered a feeling of passion given to me by a friend. An angel really. An earthly saint yet to take her place amongst our prayers. Who spoke to me in dreams, brining miricles of joy and comfort to my heart. I have no place from which I traveld half the world around, to begin to tell of the secrets whispered on this breath of love, that we shared in natures whitness. While watching the sun chase the moon she took my heart within her hands to feel its genlte warmth and to listen to the sound of
Bum Bummm, Bum Bummm
Bum Bummm, Bum Bummm
My heart hums
Bum Bummm, Bum Bummm
My heart loves
Bum Bummm Run Bum Bummm Run
My heart sounds
Run Bum Bummm Run Bum Bummm Run
Run ruN, RUN
YOUR IN DANGER of falling in LOVE.
for life
For your love
For your soul
Run for the sun to catch the
Moon as often lovers do.
Run for redemption for
Wanting love and leaving it to soon.
I left and went away from this saint who forgave my sins.
Sins I found on her lips, her breasts, and her mind.
I left behind traces of my soul intwined
In dreams of passion,
Our reaction to our intial contact
To connect on a higher plane.
I did not know that Saints could love, or give love so freely
As to be consumed by the hearts desire. Crimes of passion should be forgiven. The soul should be set free.
Bum Bummm, Bum Bummm
Bum Bummm, Bum Bummm
My heart hums
Bum Bummm, Bum Bummm
My heart loves
Bum Bummm Run Bum Bummm Run
My heart sounds
Run Bum Bummm Run Bum Bummm Run
Run ruN, RUN
YOUR IN DANGER of falling in LOVE.
for life
For your love
For your soul
Run for the sun to catch the
Moon as often lovers do.
Run for redemption for
Wanting love and leaving it to soon.
I left and went away from this saint who forgave my sins.
Sins I found on her lips, her breasts, and her mind.
I left behind traces of my soul intwined
In dreams of passion,
Our reaction to our intial contact
To connect on a higher plane.
I did not know that Saints could love, or give love so freely
As to be consumed by the hearts desire. Crimes of passion should be forgiven. The soul should be set free.