Well I'm excited that my small but newly developed site will go up soon. I have a ton of work to on it still, but the essential info is there and the general look of the site. I'm going to shift it to a dynamic site as soon as I understand the code, any pointers would be helpfull. I'm confident of my CSS abilities now and played around with a lot of different ideas and concepts. What I have now is simple and plain, but as the site grows so will the depth I hope.
Tonight I'll be going to the Nuyorican ( 3rd St. between B & C) to perform if anyone is interested in going the open slam starts at 9pm, if you want a seat I suggest getting their a little early. Peace.
Tonight I'll be going to the Nuyorican ( 3rd St. between B & C) to perform if anyone is interested in going the open slam starts at 9pm, if you want a seat I suggest getting their a little early. Peace.
if i wasnt so far away