Sometimes life tests your limits:
Tonight mine were brought to the edge of sanity. Someone very close to me brought out some very deep rooted feelings and I've been upset and angry all night.
Towards the end of my relationship while I was on a break from my girl she had slept with someone, I didn't mine. We tried to get back together and in a fight she went out fucked this guy again. I don't mind being in an open relationship and I don't limit what my partners can do. However, when you fuck someone out of spite, I mind. In fact I get angry.
Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a master at dealing with drama, and anger, there are only a few situations where I the asshole comes out.
, So this person, tells me today that she is leaving the country and will be gone for over a year, and that she is glad that we're friends and all that.
When I ask her to hang out, she says "well, I am seeing this guy now, and I don't have that much time"
What do you say, after all that we went through, this girl could have been the one, we end things after a long time and settle as friends, and then she's too busy to see me cuz the guy she fucked out of spite takes priority. My neighbors had to call and come over because they thought I was beating up my roommate the way I was screaming on the phone. Well I do have a destructive side as much as I try to always go with the flow.
So I'm taking the edge off via smoke, beer, and other things. If I listen to some James Brown I think I'll feel better.
Part 2
So yesterday all the tension with my boss at the Bar came to a head. After the robbery, nothing was the same. I finally called him out, and said that I thought he did it, and that I have problems with our relationship and how things are being run. Needless to say I'm now part of Team Unemployed.
Well I know I'm being tested, and that behind this someone is saying let us free you. We shall now remove any and all obsticles from your path that your past may hold, as difficult as it may seem "Will", you will be better off in your new life.
Welll shit, that's all I needed to hear.
Peace and Blessings,
This is going to be the best fucking year yet. Anyone who wants to help me take over the world, I'm now accepting applications.
Tonight mine were brought to the edge of sanity. Someone very close to me brought out some very deep rooted feelings and I've been upset and angry all night.
Towards the end of my relationship while I was on a break from my girl she had slept with someone, I didn't mine. We tried to get back together and in a fight she went out fucked this guy again. I don't mind being in an open relationship and I don't limit what my partners can do. However, when you fuck someone out of spite, I mind. In fact I get angry.
Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a master at dealing with drama, and anger, there are only a few situations where I the asshole comes out.

When I ask her to hang out, she says "well, I am seeing this guy now, and I don't have that much time"
What do you say, after all that we went through, this girl could have been the one, we end things after a long time and settle as friends, and then she's too busy to see me cuz the guy she fucked out of spite takes priority. My neighbors had to call and come over because they thought I was beating up my roommate the way I was screaming on the phone. Well I do have a destructive side as much as I try to always go with the flow.
So I'm taking the edge off via smoke, beer, and other things. If I listen to some James Brown I think I'll feel better.
Part 2
So yesterday all the tension with my boss at the Bar came to a head. After the robbery, nothing was the same. I finally called him out, and said that I thought he did it, and that I have problems with our relationship and how things are being run. Needless to say I'm now part of Team Unemployed.
Well I know I'm being tested, and that behind this someone is saying let us free you. We shall now remove any and all obsticles from your path that your past may hold, as difficult as it may seem "Will", you will be better off in your new life.
Welll shit, that's all I needed to hear.
Peace and Blessings,
This is going to be the best fucking year yet. Anyone who wants to help me take over the world, I'm now accepting applications.

Sorry you are going thru all that. You'll get past it in your own time. Yah... keep it positive. Negativity takes to much energy. If you were listening to the music... I hope you were bustin a few James Brown moves.
Aw, man. I hate to hear that you're going through a hard time. :hugs: and
's. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better though. I hope to see you in Philly so I can give you a real hug. If not I'll see you next time I'm in NYC.