HAHA, under the extreme desire to take JaiDee where ever she wants to go I'll be escorting her to Syracuse for Thanksgiving. That and I'd do anything to see the lovely Ms. Monica again (Woo Whoo as song 2 from Blur plays in the background), I need a roadtrip right about now. Besides it's been too long since I've traveled back upstate.
Ready or not here we come!!!
alright what else was I going to say..
Oh yeah, I just got a hold of the adobe CS package with the new photoshop and illustrator, very nice. I should have the web page up this weekend.
Ready or not here we come!!!
alright what else was I going to say..
Oh yeah, I just got a hold of the adobe CS package with the new photoshop and illustrator, very nice. I should have the web page up this weekend.

i wish i was going upstate to the party but somehow i think ill be working that weekend and will have to suffer the aggony of being at home with the family for that holiday, not sure about my sister tho, she still might find a way to get up there
yes yes come see me!!!!!!