What is up people. This is the fist part of a new poem (speech). I will continue to add to this today and tomorrow and hope that you read this, cut and paste this, and pass it on to anyone whom you think this might affect.
Today is a glorious day for change.
The air we breathe is ours.
This space we share is ours.
This time in which we live is ours!
We have come together to celebrate, to mourn, to remember our paths in life.
As we walk hand in hand as a people,
the future, is our past, is today and shall be
the legacy of our
sons and daughters,
brothers and sisters,
fathers and mothers.
Today and every day we determine our own lives and the lives of others,
known and unknown,
as we shall either live together in an ocean of prosperity, or drown in the depths of our own human tragedy.
The mirror of life is placed before us as we enter the height of our great civilization,
our empire,
built on violence, reason, greed, and compassion.
We must reflect on our past as we decide our future.
Our environment is crying out for change,
the Earth shutters with each of our atroscities,
and I ask you now this question:
HIstory is a dangerous thing to teach,
when what we learn is to forget.
Where ideas of peace seem out of reach,
and that our violence is so entrenched.
Our governments,
who fund
Our scientists,
who employ
Our workers
who have excavated
Our Earth
have discovered a frightning plague that infects our society. All too often in the past have our great civilizations fallen,
rendered extinct
within decades of reaching their peak.
Shall we too fall in the shadows of our predecesors
Maya in the Yucatan,
the Anasazi in the American Southwest,
the Cahokia outside of St. Louis,
the Greenland Norse,
the Statue Builders of Easter Island,
Ancient Mesopotamia in the fertile crescent,
and GREAT Zimbabwe in Africa?
These once great civilizations,
our ancestors,
have succumbed to the violence,
succumbed to the ignorence,
succumed to the destruction of their own free minds.
Once the pinalce of mankind,
their prosperity and wealth,
consumption and waste,
lead the fates and thier desteny to out strip the resources available, destroying the very fabric of life itself.
As Americans in the 21st century,
we too stand on the threshold of mankind,
willing to wagering the lives of the entire world.

Today is a glorious day for change.
The air we breathe is ours.
This space we share is ours.
This time in which we live is ours!
We have come together to celebrate, to mourn, to remember our paths in life.
As we walk hand in hand as a people,
the future, is our past, is today and shall be
the legacy of our
sons and daughters,
brothers and sisters,
fathers and mothers.
Today and every day we determine our own lives and the lives of others,
known and unknown,
as we shall either live together in an ocean of prosperity, or drown in the depths of our own human tragedy.
The mirror of life is placed before us as we enter the height of our great civilization,
our empire,
built on violence, reason, greed, and compassion.
We must reflect on our past as we decide our future.
Our environment is crying out for change,
the Earth shutters with each of our atroscities,
and I ask you now this question:
HIstory is a dangerous thing to teach,
when what we learn is to forget.
Where ideas of peace seem out of reach,
and that our violence is so entrenched.
Our governments,
who fund
Our scientists,
who employ
Our workers
who have excavated
Our Earth
have discovered a frightning plague that infects our society. All too often in the past have our great civilizations fallen,
rendered extinct
within decades of reaching their peak.
Shall we too fall in the shadows of our predecesors
Maya in the Yucatan,
the Anasazi in the American Southwest,
the Cahokia outside of St. Louis,
the Greenland Norse,
the Statue Builders of Easter Island,
Ancient Mesopotamia in the fertile crescent,
and GREAT Zimbabwe in Africa?
These once great civilizations,
our ancestors,
have succumbed to the violence,
succumbed to the ignorence,
succumed to the destruction of their own free minds.
Once the pinalce of mankind,
their prosperity and wealth,
consumption and waste,
lead the fates and thier desteny to out strip the resources available, destroying the very fabric of life itself.
As Americans in the 21st century,
we too stand on the threshold of mankind,
willing to wagering the lives of the entire world.

That was helpful baby