I repent of my diets, the delicious dishes rejected out of vanity, as much as I lament the opportunities for making love that I let go by because of pressing tasks or puritanical virtue.

There is a difference between eating healthfully and denying yourself the food that you love. I'm going to do the former and fuck the latter all together. I don't want to...
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Totally OD'd on hashbrowns today! Who cares? NO ONE! OMR was it ever delish though. I am pleasantly over carbed and over fed and totally enjoying it. I'm just surprised that after not sleeping since friday I haven't completely slipped into a food coma. GO ME.

Lets hear it for staying power. What the fuck. Don't you love it?

I am epicly over video games....
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So I reactivated the account after about a million years. I know. What the fuck.

I am like obscenely into SGA right now - no surprise to anyone, obvs - but it's like the only show in the history of my ever in which my pairings are fluid. Not litterally fluid, 'cause weird. But it's the only show in which I don't have an OTP,...
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I downloaded yWriter from Space Jock a few months ago and was really into the software, the program allows you to save each chapter as an individual file and within the program itself you can control each scene individually within each scene or move them between scenes entirely. I always thought it was neat but three days ago I started working on this idea that...
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Meet n' Greet Vancouver Style.... post if you are able to attend!
'Lo kids.

I think my sleep schedual is actually about as bad as it could possibly be. I need to start waking up before noon. In other, more interesting news my hair is back to being dark brown and I'm quite enjoying that I'm also starting to work out whatever I want for my next tattoo, it's about time I got another one.

In more...
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I wrote a big long post. It was epic. The internet ate it though.

I'll do it again later, now I'm going to go beat my internet with a stick.
Yeah, I know. I know.

It's been about a million and a half years - give or take a day - since I posted or spent any time at all on SG.You know you work too many hours when naked women take the back seat to sleeping. Stupid job.

Have I mentioned yet that I hate my job and that people who treat cashiers poorly...
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I'll have you know that I'm suffering from some serious writer's block.

Its the sort that still lets you write.

But when you do write it's not the really good stuff that comes from your heart and makes you sit back and smile and say "damn, that shit's got pop".

No, it's that other stuff.

That trite stuff that makes you scowl so hard your...
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i totally hope you went with that story idea! sounds like it'd be a hot one! hehehe. wink
I have an obscene, inappropriate relationship with my black nail polish. I layer it on over and over not because it needs a ton of coats to take on the perfect hue but because I enjoy it. There is something that makes me happy in the smooth surface one can get with a good nail polish.

I've been thinking of more tattoos recently, a family...
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i just love that of all the arguments other doctors could make, they choose to make that one. not possible to leap over the stomach. for christ's sake.

lucky you have a family crest to tattoo. i say go for it.
One. I still smell awesome, Flying Fox continues to own my soul.

Two. I'm dead. Seriously. Dead. Somehow my mother had the brilliant idea to do my laundry. Nice idea. Except that not only did she rifle through my room to do so, she took my work shirt without telling me so I totally had a freak out about it and she put my name...
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