My time here is drawing to a close.
I came back here mostly for a couple of friends and one or two groups. It's taken substantially less than my three free months to understand that SG and I have parted ways.
I miss llouys; the hardest=working group owner in the history of SG, and one of the nicest members. I was proud to be his friend, just as I am for the few I've refriended here. I hope he's well, and happy.
I used to spend a lot of time on CE, back when I was someone else; made some friends. One got zotted; another got uberzotted; a few are still here, but one at least hates this incarnation of me; it's sad to see kneejerk reactions, especially from teachers. SG was always somewhat clique-driven, for sure; but this time round it appears that it's entirely that way. It's a shame.
So, I suppose I have a couple of weeks of free membership left, technically. But I can't see any reason to use them. (In particular, the groups I loved are moribund; and everything else I care about is public.)
So I'm done here.
I came back here mostly for a couple of friends and one or two groups. It's taken substantially less than my three free months to understand that SG and I have parted ways.
I miss llouys; the hardest=working group owner in the history of SG, and one of the nicest members. I was proud to be his friend, just as I am for the few I've refriended here. I hope he's well, and happy.
I used to spend a lot of time on CE, back when I was someone else; made some friends. One got zotted; another got uberzotted; a few are still here, but one at least hates this incarnation of me; it's sad to see kneejerk reactions, especially from teachers. SG was always somewhat clique-driven, for sure; but this time round it appears that it's entirely that way. It's a shame.
So, I suppose I have a couple of weeks of free membership left, technically. But I can't see any reason to use them. (In particular, the groups I loved are moribund; and everything else I care about is public.)
So I'm done here.
I was tempted to stick my nose in some of these places just for a lark, but if you're departing then I don't think I'll bother. My tolerance threshold for people who's main allegiance is to cherished beliefs rather than seeking truth is rather low. Since you're an intelligent and interesting guy, surely there are things you can share that will find an enthusiastic reception from a few souls. Kneejerk reactions indicate fear; methinks you just don't know what a formidable intellect you have. 

You aren't missing much. This place is even less now than it was when you left. Kind of makes me sad because it was a big part of my life at one time and I don't think it can ever be that again.