My time here is drawing to a close.
I came back here mostly for a couple of friends and one or two groups. It's taken substantially less than my three free months to understand that SG and I have parted ways.
I miss llouys; the hardest=working group owner in the history of SG, and one of the nicest members. I was proud to be...
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I came back here mostly for a couple of friends and one or two groups. It's taken substantially less than my three free months to understand that SG and I have parted ways.
I miss llouys; the hardest=working group owner in the history of SG, and one of the nicest members. I was proud to be...
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I was tempted to stick my nose in some of these places just for a lark, but if you're departing then I don't think I'll bother. My tolerance threshold for people who's main allegiance is to cherished beliefs rather than seeking truth is rather low. Since you're an intelligent and interesting guy, surely there are things you can share that will find an enthusiastic reception from a few souls. Kneejerk reactions indicate fear; methinks you just don't know what a formidable intellect you have. 

You aren't missing much. This place is even less now than it was when you left. Kind of makes me sad because it was a big part of my life at one time and I don't think it can ever be that again.
My bass guitar died. Not making me happy. Shoddy workmanship, probably; it's been a battery hog since I got it (second-hand), so it's always been suspect; but now it's going through about one a week. Time I learned to solder, I reckon.
Mmm... solder.
Sorry to hear about the bass.
Flogging Molly: Ha!
Music: I do improvisational electronic stuff involving synthesizers. samples, and effects. Mostly robot themed. I have never produced anything for distribution, but am working on a single song as an example of the kind of thing that turns me on.
Sorry to hear about the bass.
Flogging Molly: Ha!
Music: I do improvisational electronic stuff involving synthesizers. samples, and effects. Mostly robot themed. I have never produced anything for distribution, but am working on a single song as an example of the kind of thing that turns me on.
I've been offline since the 24th, and nothing has happened here since; my last post on the CE board is the fourth thread from the top. Hmmm.
Happy New Year!
Interaction on SG has declined terribly over the last few years. I blame Facebook.
Interaction on SG has declined terribly over the last few years. I blame Facebook.
RIP Don van Vliet.
I never understood Trout Mask Replica.
But Clear Spot - damn me, what a record.
I never understood Trout Mask Replica.
But Clear Spot - damn me, what a record.
Oh, dear. I gave up after Trout Mask all those years ago. Have to check into that one day if the damn telomeres will allow. They always get you in the end, and that's not where I like it.
BTW, you should probably unhand that bittern, although I'm not one to lecture on cruelty since I'm partial to the occasional twist of lemming in my tea.
BTW, you should probably unhand that bittern, although I'm not one to lecture on cruelty since I'm partial to the occasional twist of lemming in my tea.
I don't know why I bothered coming back (not that it cost me anything other than time).
There's nothing going on here. Just little cliques doing their little things. Nothing in the groups either.
I did work something out: the CE board has gone back to the way it was when I was first here, before there was a CE board. I can't remember what...
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There's nothing going on here. Just little cliques doing their little things. Nothing in the groups either.
I did work something out: the CE board has gone back to the way it was when I was first here, before there was a CE board. I can't remember what...
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I'm sorry you're disappointed, old fellow. For what it's worth, I don't get consulted about things around here either. Since pictures seem to be getting gradually fazed out, perhaps it's supposed to turn into Facebook , but with less censorship.
I could never endure the forums because gross ignorance coupled with overpowering confidence and certainty have been too common for my taste. That's all polite terminology for old and grumpy, I suppose, but even knowing everything as I must modestly confess that I do, hasn't made me entirely patient I'm afraid. We all must have a fault or two just for the sake of remaining at least partly human.
I could never endure the forums because gross ignorance coupled with overpowering confidence and certainty have been too common for my taste. That's all polite terminology for old and grumpy, I suppose, but even knowing everything as I must modestly confess that I do, hasn't made me entirely patient I'm afraid. We all must have a fault or two just for the sake of remaining at least partly human.

This place has changed much over the years. I too remember when the quanitty of members was much smaller, and al and flux ruled the boards with their sharp words. I also remember when they quit letting us abuse the n00bs for idiocy.
Times have changed, it's what it is. (I am also disappointed. not in the site, but in it's members. It happens I suppose.)
Times have changed, it's what it is. (I am also disappointed. not in the site, but in it's members. It happens I suppose.)
I've been trying to work out what Wilko Johnson does, in this clip, for a long time. It's not just the hands, it's the moves and the movement.
(I am not a guitarist. It might be easy. But it really doesn't look it.)
(The best bit about that clip is at 2:31, about 10 seconds from the end, when Wilko tries hard to stop...
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(I am not a guitarist. It might be easy. But it really doesn't look it.)
(The best bit about that clip is at 2:31, about 10 seconds from the end, when Wilko tries hard to stop...
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I wanted to reply to Bean, here. I didn't, for some reason I can't quite remember; probably cowardice (for some reason, I still worry about what people think of me here).
This is what I wanted to say, in reply:
Story of the 21st century, for the remainder of my life:
American economy in stasis or declining, while American military power remains...
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This is what I wanted to say, in reply:
Story of the 21st century, for the remainder of my life:
American economy in stasis or declining, while American military power remains...
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This is my third incarnation here. I become more abrasive with each new incarnation. I don't know if that's me getting older, or something else. I's possible the boards are getting dumber, but that doesn't seem likely. Nonetheless, I seem to be getting into paranoid arguments with people I would normally agree with.
I've been to see my friend H this weekend. Interesting, and...
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I've been to see my friend H this weekend. Interesting, and...
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I didn't take it as douche-bag act.
The meme is "how the fuck do magnets work"
Edit: On SG whooshes are never explained.
2nd Edit: Credit for not whining in the thread.
The meme is "how the fuck do magnets work"
Edit: On SG whooshes are never explained.
2nd Edit: Credit for not whining in the thread.
Marks will be docked for poor spelling, punctuation and grammer in GSCE exams, under new rules.
My underline.
On the broader point, this is not a good move, because its intention is not what it appears to be.
I applaud the idea of teaching grammar, punctuation and spelling; but that isn't the intention. The intention is to roll back the education system, because the...
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Marks will be docked for poor spelling, punctuation and grammer in GSCE exams, under new rules.
My underline.
On the broader point, this is not a good move, because its intention is not what it appears to be.
I applaud the idea of teaching grammar, punctuation and spelling; but that isn't the intention. The intention is to roll back the education system, because the...
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Somerset Maugham... I liked Somerset Maugham... well, the one book I read of his.... hope you Wednesday rocks...
Thanks !