I am boring. Oh yes. Same old, same old. Overworked as can be, except this time with exciting health drama on top of it! (Wisdom teeth. Ow). And I must be on deadline or else I wouldn't be blog-crastinating, would I?
Uh huh. Months go by and nothing's changed. Still overworked. Finishing up photos for one of my books, about to sign a contract for another, la la la. Got sick on book tour and still feel run down. Trying to talk myself into taking a break around Christmas but who knows what'll be going on by then? I have this pressing need to hire an...
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i wish i could be your assisteant
you sound like fun

Thanks for being a friend!
Ever need a photographer let me know. I feature models on one of my sites too.
Ever need a photographer let me know. I feature models on one of my sites too.
Not dead yet!
(Me? a Monty Python fan...of course)
What's new? The usual. Work work work. I sound like a broken record, I know, but I was either writing, editing or writing the text and project managing four, count 'em, four books this summer. One's all done, two more will be done on Monday (I couldn't be more excited, let me tell you -- they've...
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(Me? a Monty Python fan...of course)
What's new? The usual. Work work work. I sound like a broken record, I know, but I was either writing, editing or writing the text and project managing four, count 'em, four books this summer. One's all done, two more will be done on Monday (I couldn't be more excited, let me tell you -- they've...
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The usual. Work, work, work, more work, with work, and a side of work. Boring, I know, but true. How's everyone's summer going? Me, I look like a lobster who wore a racerback tank to garden in the other day...ouch.
Oh its nice to see you back! Yay!!!!
Again, I'm so jealous for my coworkers to get to see you at TNNA while I sat in the homefront staring at the wall. (good lord...am I the only one who knits in the summer?)
I think you need a vacation....and one that doesn't lead to sun exposure young lady! You have that fair complexion that I have, we are not well suited for the sun. Aveeno makes an awesome sunscreen. Maybe I should send you a bottle!
My summer is blah with a side of eh. I'm hoping July 4th will kick start festivities. I'm looking for a new job, so I've been doing the interview thing. not very summer-y but it needs to be done nonetheless. You wouldn't happen to know of any yarn companies that are looking for sales reps in Philadelphia, would you?
Again, I'm so jealous for my coworkers to get to see you at TNNA while I sat in the homefront staring at the wall. (good lord...am I the only one who knits in the summer?)
I think you need a vacation....and one that doesn't lead to sun exposure young lady! You have that fair complexion that I have, we are not well suited for the sun. Aveeno makes an awesome sunscreen. Maybe I should send you a bottle!

My summer is blah with a side of eh. I'm hoping July 4th will kick start festivities. I'm looking for a new job, so I've been doing the interview thing. not very summer-y but it needs to be done nonetheless. You wouldn't happen to know of any yarn companies that are looking for sales reps in Philadelphia, would you?

Somebody stop the merry-go-round, I want off! When last I posted, I was editing book #3 and trying desperately to make deadline on book #4. Since then, I've been tapped to project-edit 2 more books, write another one by the end of the summer (no joke) and get on board a few other book projects...
I try not to let it go to my head,...
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I try not to let it go to my head,...
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I wish I could be at the Maker Faire.

i think maybe i can sort of relate... hope you are well despite the craziness
Deep, deep, deep in book editing mode right now...sorry no updates! Book #2 (the followup to #1) comes out next month, #3 is being edited and #4 is due at the end of this month. Then yesterday I got asked to work on another book series with crazy deadlines.
(What am I, the crazy deadline lady? Sheesh. I think I'm starting to get a reputation...
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(What am I, the crazy deadline lady? Sheesh. I think I'm starting to get a reputation...
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Check it out -- I'm in this show!
(As a designer, not model...our model is Miss Gothic Massachusetts 2003, though, and she's utterly hot).
Off to Boston in the morning!
(As a designer, not model...our model is Miss Gothic Massachusetts 2003, though, and she's utterly hot).
Off to Boston in the morning!

I didn't even know about the Pittsburgh knitting fest!
Grumble grumble...I miss all the fun stuff.
How have you been?
Grumble grumble...I miss all the fun stuff.
How have you been?
Thanks for all your birthday wishes. Want to give me a really good present? Review my shop in the SG Directory here. Thanks!
You can also review my knitting site / shop or my new publishing company. Speaking of, we're always looking for new authors, artists, models, designers...so drop me a line if you're interested.
And finally, if you're feeling really sweet, you...
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You can also review my knitting site / shop or my new publishing company. Speaking of, we're always looking for new authors, artists, models, designers...so drop me a line if you're interested.
And finally, if you're feeling really sweet, you...
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I amdefinately into the whole idea lately of knitting food items.
I blame the new book Knitorama. Have you seen it? Really cute stuff.
I blame the new book Knitorama. Have you seen it? Really cute stuff.
Back from LA, doing final edits on the next book (I AM A BOOKWRITING MACHINE! RAWRRRRR!), trying not to go insane, and getting ready for Cleveland's Bazaar Bizarre, which I organize. It's Thanksgiving weekend at 1300 Gallery, come on down!

Happy birthday, baby! 

Hey everybody! thanks for the birthday wishes -- yes, Aponia, I am kinda taking the day off today! (Well, for me, "taking the day" off usually means more like "taking a few hours off")

Off to LA on Thursday to tape another TV show...I just bought the greatest hair straightener ever, which will come in handy. Other than that -- just working lots and lots!

I had two birthday cakes, does that mean neither one of them had calories?

Cool beans, you're off to L.A.! Glad to see your book is out. I'll have to remember to buy a copy for my aunt. Later gator!
After we do the breast cancer run in Toronto on Sunday, 2 October (there's still time to support me, if you like), we will be having a lovely tea party to launch my first book at Lettuce Knit in Kensington Market. Toronto SG'ers are all invited! Final time TBA, but probably sometime around 1:00. It's the first Canadian book-related event and I'm really excited...
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Oh, and I almost forgot -- today is Talk Like A Pirate Day -- arrrr!
So, a joke:
A pirate walks into a bar and sits down next to a good looking woman. She says, "What do you do?" He says: "I'm a pirate. I kill thousands of government troops, loot treasuries, leave women and children crying in the destroyed ruins of their cities and towns and generally create mayhem."
Karl Rove, sitting in the next seat, says: "You want to run for Congress?"

So, a joke:
A pirate walks into a bar and sits down next to a good looking woman. She says, "What do you do?" He says: "I'm a pirate. I kill thousands of government troops, loot treasuries, leave women and children crying in the destroyed ruins of their cities and towns and generally create mayhem."
Karl Rove, sitting in the next seat, says: "You want to run for Congress?"
I didn't tell you...awesome book!!!
It was listed in my LYS monthly newsletter. I squealed when I saw it and of course had to show everyone your awesome book!!!
The cartoons are too cute for words! And your author picture is lovely. A very beautiful picture of you.
And thank you for the nice words. They totally don't deserve me!
It was listed in my LYS monthly newsletter. I squealed when I saw it and of course had to show everyone your awesome book!!!
The cartoons are too cute for words! And your author picture is lovely. A very beautiful picture of you.
And thank you for the nice words. They totally don't deserve me!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! It looks good!
Thanks, Aponia!

(i do have cute goat pictures but not AS cute!)
You have been quiet the busy lady! You're like a rockstar of the craft world!
And wisdom teeth. Ugh. When I had them removed it was long and arduous. They had all been impacted, so there was cutting involved. I had a reaction to the codene/anesthesia/surgery combo and threw up non-stop for the first three days. They took me off of all pain medicines except advil, and then I got dry sockets in all four areas of my mouth. It was about 2 months before I could eat solid foods! Horrible horrible horrible experience!!!!
Just thinking about it makes me queasy. And it seriously put me off to the smell of cloves for months after! (they soak gauze in clove oil before placing them in the sockets)
I'm glad to see you are back. You were missed!