i do not like republicans..the republican "leadership" (if you can call it that) in this country is about as close to evil as we can get in our country..ALL REPUBLICANS LIE, they're either continuously lying to themselves or to the world around them..just wanted to make that clear puke
Thanks for the love on my new set! I hope you are well!
Hey sorry it's taken so long..I'll post a blog soon..I haven't had inernet access for awhile since I moved. So I hopped on a friends comp for now. And massage therapy is awesome, it just wasn't for me. I want more excitement....lol... so how's life?
volunteered at the Humane Society again today..i have to keep remembering how awesome the dogs are and how awesome they make me feel so i keep going back more frequently..dogs are the best..people suck
Ya I'm definantly tryin. lol.. It's probably the 8th time I've done it. I'm getting used to it. So how's life for you?
kiss kiss kiss
i'm on a visit home in Virginia and it snowed (!!!!!!!!) it's the first time i've actually been able to be home for a decent snow fall in years...it's freakin awesome..plus i get to run around in the snow with my baby doggy..good times...but i miss my boyfriend..i'm pathetic..i've been like..severely depressed..i've had two bad dreams that he 1) disappeared and 2) didn't want to...
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Oooo! What you been working on that is Spongebob related?? Do tell! biggrin he rocks my little worrrrrllllllld! eeek xXx
i am very interested!! love you!!!
so, i just watched the "Dog Town" episode where they were rehabilitating the Michael Vick pit bulls..that man and everyone who does what he does deserve the fucking death penalty..fuck this 2 years in prison shit..any human being that does that to a dog is a waste of air on this earth..ahhhhhhhhh i'm so angry
Hahaha! I am yes! How did you know?! tongue I've got a best friend who's a starfish! tongue xXx
hey hon! thank you for your support, i appreciate it smile
so..i'm obsessed with the Twilight series..i just recently bought/read the first book and i have since, been devouring the rest of the series. i wished that i had gotten into it when it first came out, and i mentioned this to my mom who told me she had read all the books and then loaned them to my best friend!! WTF!? either i have amnesia...
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Have you watched True Blood on HBO????
just got back from seeing Joan Jett..she is just...amazing..she is THE ultimate..she is IT..if i could be with one person sexually that was out of my realm of realistic possibilities..it would be her..or Keanu Reeves...or Kate Moennig...but Joan is at the top of that list...she's just the definition of sexy and confidant and talented..just oerfect,,,mmmm i'm gonna hopefully have some nice dreams tonight smile
hi friend biggrin how are you? I thought Id be more outwards, since not much happens here for me, except stopping by once in a while to catch up smile And we havent really talked, have we? So I just want to use this opportunity to do so smile
mmmmmm me and u are on the same wave link
8/8/08 SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mark your calendars..8/8/08 is the unluckiest fucking day EVER!!!!!..my day was mostly good except for some wicked cramps i kept getting...then, on the way home from work, i got into a pretty bad CAR ACCIDENT (not my fucking fault) which will pretty much ruin my year financially..my car is undrivable..the a-hole i crashed into didn't speak any English (nor did any of the...
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Man that sucks.. if you need a bitch to drive you around.. smile
so i went back home to VA last week for a little visit..and i ended up seeing Joan Jett at this county fair type thing (it was secretly the main reason i went home that particular week of June)...and as lame as the context was, Joan was awesome..she didn't censor herself at all and performed a hell of a show..i was forcibly dragged away by...
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to all Los Angelinos:

so my boyfriend's band, HURT MODEL, is playing a show on June 20th at the Knitting Factory with Dysrhythmia, Upsilon Acrux, Ninja Academy, and We Be The Echo...please check out Hurt Model's myspace http://www. myspace. com/hurtmodel

and if you are inclined to come to the show, here is the link to buy tickets!
http://www. ticketweb. com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=250472&REFERRAL_ID=tace

his band is really awesome...
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omg waah im gonna cry!!
ur so lucky was she alone??
ooooh! I looove her. what was she wearing? lol
AHH! i'm so excited..i've never been to Comic Con, so this will be my first time, but i work for Cartoon Network doing props for "Robot Chicken" and "Moral Orel", and there's going to be a talk about Robot Chicken Star Wars..which i did the props for!!:

FRIDAY 1:30-2:30 Star Wars Day: Robot Chicken Sets and Toys_ As production designer for the Robot Chicken: Star...
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Holy crap. Your job is ridiculously cool.
Wonders... Do The Squirrels talk back?
So I finally started watching the L Word...i never really had that much interest in is until i saw that this hot actress Kate Moennig was playing a really sexy butch, Shane, on the show...and then this year i found out that Daniela Sea was playing a transgender character, Max, so i had to rent it...and oh my god..i am officially obsessed..the theme song SUCKS...
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