I'll try not to elaborate much on the stupidity of my job. I will only say that I am surrounded by dumb preppy girls who say "You're a rockstar!" whenever someone does something good and my boss arrived 2 1/2 hours late to job training, then said she liked to arrive "Fashionably late." Apparently right now she is making the work schedule without consulting the actual employees on when they would like to work.
If things get too stupid this summer, i'm going to quit and go off into the great beyond.
The day I realized my life was going nowhere was when a girl came up to me that I had known for three years and she said, "You still haven't found a girlfriend?" and I said, "Nope. Not a one."
"I can't believe this shit." She said. "Why can't you find anyone who wants to be with you? There has to be at least one cute, sane lesbian that wants to be your girlfriend. I mean, you've been at this for years already."
I wish I could just give up, but I can't. This hurts. Girls that would fit perfectly are too far to establish anything with.
I want to start learning about things now, not later. I'm not going to wait the rest of my life to find a girlfriend or to have ONE person say they love me. I can't do this forever. If everyone I encounter for the rest of my life says, "Don't worry, you'll know about love some day" Surprise SURPRISE I won't if EVERYBODY says the same thing forever. How in the hell does that make any sense?
Ok, well why don't I just wait until i'm 87 years old, I look like shit, and i'm too aged to enjoy sex anymore. Hey, that sounds like a fabulous idea.
If things get too stupid this summer, i'm going to quit and go off into the great beyond.
The day I realized my life was going nowhere was when a girl came up to me that I had known for three years and she said, "You still haven't found a girlfriend?" and I said, "Nope. Not a one."
"I can't believe this shit." She said. "Why can't you find anyone who wants to be with you? There has to be at least one cute, sane lesbian that wants to be your girlfriend. I mean, you've been at this for years already."
I wish I could just give up, but I can't. This hurts. Girls that would fit perfectly are too far to establish anything with.
I want to start learning about things now, not later. I'm not going to wait the rest of my life to find a girlfriend or to have ONE person say they love me. I can't do this forever. If everyone I encounter for the rest of my life says, "Don't worry, you'll know about love some day" Surprise SURPRISE I won't if EVERYBODY says the same thing forever. How in the hell does that make any sense?
Ok, well why don't I just wait until i'm 87 years old, I look like shit, and i'm too aged to enjoy sex anymore. Hey, that sounds like a fabulous idea.

for the love of god, do not move to seattle. that is like, one of THE most depressing cities, EVER. i am a so cal girl to the core. i just can't help it. sunshine=happy claudia. and the entire time i was there, i couldn't find a single suitable mate. nada. zip. no sex for one year. FUCK SEATTLE YO.
maybe youre schizophrenic.