Scene 1: A deaf man shouts into a cave, longing for an echo.
No other scene. Barely an act.
(On the other side of never, butterflies
Rudely compete with gods. Arcs gauge
Where the mirror repays its favors.
Save yourself a circuit, and close your eyes.
Ears glow, embarassed so
At least there's blood
And the pressure
Of rushing...)
I should be in bed, I have to get up early. But the caffeine and cigarettes just wont let me. And besides, I've reading I want to do. The Paul Bowles book is riviting. Wonderful writing. You get a true sense of what India was like in the 1950's, as well as a true sense of its timelessness.
I'd love to go and see that part of the world. But being an American on the road these days is a bad idea. Maybe some day.
ah well...
goodnight lovely ones
a sharkstooth for cupid
What you're dead for: the humanity.
A gaze is like a gesture with suspended edge.
'Homesick' is outroar calmly in wave.
A soft jaw procedes the sadness.
A softer song beneath the sea.
Stretch a breeze over eyelid, dive deep.
A sharp bouquet orbits the stem of arrow.
Hearts will walk on water
Love can hardly stand it...
No other scene. Barely an act.
(On the other side of never, butterflies
Rudely compete with gods. Arcs gauge
Where the mirror repays its favors.
Save yourself a circuit, and close your eyes.
Ears glow, embarassed so
At least there's blood
And the pressure
Of rushing...)
I should be in bed, I have to get up early. But the caffeine and cigarettes just wont let me. And besides, I've reading I want to do. The Paul Bowles book is riviting. Wonderful writing. You get a true sense of what India was like in the 1950's, as well as a true sense of its timelessness.
I'd love to go and see that part of the world. But being an American on the road these days is a bad idea. Maybe some day.
ah well...
goodnight lovely ones
a sharkstooth for cupid
What you're dead for: the humanity.
A gaze is like a gesture with suspended edge.
'Homesick' is outroar calmly in wave.
A soft jaw procedes the sadness.
A softer song beneath the sea.
Stretch a breeze over eyelid, dive deep.
A sharp bouquet orbits the stem of arrow.
Hearts will walk on water
Love can hardly stand it...
Seems like randomness
But the meaning lies within
Riddle makes a friend
My face awaits drowning in a chalice filled of spoiled annointed oil, with no fingers to light a match, and only a tongue to dare to arm the atom...