Reactionist scapegoat.
Flat obviation. Obelisk
Minus density. Pandemic
Milk-frame. Sequential
Breast. Holiday beast.
Courteous bread. Air surfer.
Conscious amnesia. Dead
Crew. Live wisdom. Living
Sound. Hanging ear. Drowning
Sun. Blue trees. Quaking
Daybreak. Herd of fame.
Famous racing, flawed like
Venus. Thread stiffened.
Stasis awakened. Trembling
Forgetting. Loudly discreet.
Sweet splinter. Morning daisies.
Bookmark empty. Ashes
Under glass. Old hours
Up like a shot from bed after string of strange dream 4 hour sleep, everything looking odd and not too real, too real not-enough. Catmeow yow foau mao. WTF? Ceiling fan rattle-fattle-mattle battle-click-click...
Fucking some weird-chick in walk-in-closet serving as my bedroom, my dad walks in anyway, after me telling him no, please, privacy..me bitching third-degree...then laying on his bed with him after chick passing out, watching program about The Who...all of a sudden I'm there...playing weird improv music after watching Randy Rhoads documentary with the band, except Who now guys I played with in improv. band several years ago. Big-weird round-drum and small hand percussion, out of tune old beat up old acoustic played to and blending in with old scratchy, guitar phonograph vinyl of Rhoads demo, noodling...everybody switching around like morphing...all of them me...someone(me) says "hope we're recording, it's cool, really cool"...okay...scene morphs into jam over...me as me in kitchen with guitar in tune and spontaneuosly playing/singing McCartneys 'I Will' to, and along with, recent -ex...shyly and uncertain...but we always sang well together, so...didn't know I knew the chords, suprised and sweet moment...Claire, goodbye
One more dream about underground hive of billions of bees, largest in the world, found right next door to my house...hopefully remember and write more clearly later...
O...man...big giant great-big fat red gooseegg and bloody bandaid crosstvision. Ciggie-dizzy wow. Blech-mouth dry, greezy want caaaafeeennne too early gotta sleep more fuckit.
back later...
Reactionist scapegoat.
Flat obviation. Obelisk
Minus density. Pandemic
Milk-frame. Sequential
Breast. Holiday beast.
Courteous bread. Air surfer.
Conscious amnesia. Dead
Crew. Live wisdom. Living
Sound. Hanging ear. Drowning
Sun. Blue trees. Quaking
Daybreak. Herd of fame.
Famous racing, flawed like
Venus. Thread stiffened.
Stasis awakened. Trembling
Forgetting. Loudly discreet.
Sweet splinter. Morning daisies.
Bookmark empty. Ashes
Under glass. Old hours
Up like a shot from bed after string of strange dream 4 hour sleep, everything looking odd and not too real, too real not-enough. Catmeow yow foau mao. WTF? Ceiling fan rattle-fattle-mattle battle-click-click...
Fucking some weird-chick in walk-in-closet serving as my bedroom, my dad walks in anyway, after me telling him no, please, privacy..me bitching third-degree...then laying on his bed with him after chick passing out, watching program about The Who...all of a sudden I'm there...playing weird improv music after watching Randy Rhoads documentary with the band, except Who now guys I played with in improv. band several years ago. Big-weird round-drum and small hand percussion, out of tune old beat up old acoustic played to and blending in with old scratchy, guitar phonograph vinyl of Rhoads demo, noodling...everybody switching around like morphing...all of them me...someone(me) says "hope we're recording, it's cool, really cool"...okay...scene morphs into jam over...me as me in kitchen with guitar in tune and spontaneuosly playing/singing McCartneys 'I Will' to, and along with, recent -ex...shyly and uncertain...but we always sang well together, so...didn't know I knew the chords, suprised and sweet moment...Claire, goodbye
One more dream about underground hive of billions of bees, largest in the world, found right next door to my house...hopefully remember and write more clearly later...
O...man...big giant great-big fat red gooseegg and bloody bandaid crosstvision. Ciggie-dizzy wow. Blech-mouth dry, greezy want caaaafeeennne too early gotta sleep more fuckit.
back later...
Hrm.. No I guess it wasn't so much weird as just very unexpected. Although I am a bit more sensitive to things like that than most people. *SHRUG* And If I ever get a chance I would enjoy to talk a little more about it with you. Hows your head today? Alittle better I hope. Well until next time.