I almost drowned on my own puke this morning.
I had a big meal last night, followed by a bunch of snacking.
One of those glorious nights of gluttony where it just felt good to stuff myself, like it was a motherfucking holiday, or something.
I went to bed really late, and about 9 AM, sound asleep, I was woken up by a mouthful of acid-y, half digested food.
Which, being shocked awake, I preceded to inhale.
Couldn't breathe at all for about 45 seconds. Finally managed a couple of VERY shallow, snuffling breaths through my nose. Then no breathing.
Then no breathing. For a long time. I'd say about 2 aand a half minutes.
Thrashing about, I finally managed to do a sort of Heimlich on myself, and it all came out of my windpipe and onto the floor.
Very shallow, gasping-raw breathing for a long while, then very slowly back to somewhat normal.
Shit that was scary.
I've been sitting here sweating and kind of weaving in my seat in a daze.
Two things went through my mind as this was happening:
"Wow. I'm dying. Wow. This is how Jimi Hendrix died."
"I've got painting to do. I can't die."
Funny. Those were my "last thoughts"?
Anyway... I'm here.
Unless this is some sort of inbetween, slightly higher-dimensional world that looks alot like this one! Multi-layered universe, and all that, ya know.
I think I can go back to bed now. I need to rest.
See yas later.
I almost drowned on my own puke this morning.
I had a big meal last night, followed by a bunch of snacking.
One of those glorious nights of gluttony where it just felt good to stuff myself, like it was a motherfucking holiday, or something.
I went to bed really late, and about 9 AM, sound asleep, I was woken up by a mouthful of acid-y, half digested food.
Which, being shocked awake, I preceded to inhale.
Couldn't breathe at all for about 45 seconds. Finally managed a couple of VERY shallow, snuffling breaths through my nose. Then no breathing.
Then no breathing. For a long time. I'd say about 2 aand a half minutes.
Thrashing about, I finally managed to do a sort of Heimlich on myself, and it all came out of my windpipe and onto the floor.
Very shallow, gasping-raw breathing for a long while, then very slowly back to somewhat normal.
Shit that was scary.
I've been sitting here sweating and kind of weaving in my seat in a daze.
Two things went through my mind as this was happening:
"Wow. I'm dying. Wow. This is how Jimi Hendrix died."
"I've got painting to do. I can't die."
Funny. Those were my "last thoughts"?
Anyway... I'm here.
Unless this is some sort of inbetween, slightly higher-dimensional world that looks alot like this one! Multi-layered universe, and all that, ya know.
I think I can go back to bed now. I need to rest.
See yas later.
