I drank myself to sleep last night.
In a good way though. Being sick completely threw my schedule off. I had to do something to solve that problem, so I put myself to bed. And that's alright.
Been working again. A lot more than I was before, and a LOT earlier than I'm used to. But I've been getting to work on time.
Passed up for the exact same promotion twice now. The very WORST fucking thing, and I mean that, is to be told multiple times by your boss that you're a phenominal employee, that they "love" you, that they're glad you're a part of their team, and that you're doing a great job of training the other people (which isn't even your job but you're doing it for everyone's benefit), and not even being CONSIDERED for the job. Nothing.
I can't say that that's not affected my mood in a big way lately. I've not really been answering my phone. It's my right to not answer my phone and I'm excersizing that right and if you don't like it then fuck off. Just because you have my number does NOT gaurantee that I'll answer. I could give a shit less if it bothers anyone.
So, diatribe over.
I'm gonna try to change this soon, I've been bad about updating/responding to comments, and I'm sorry. That much I'll try to work on more, but this is a very transitional phase for me so bear with it.
Thanks guys.
In a good way though. Being sick completely threw my schedule off. I had to do something to solve that problem, so I put myself to bed. And that's alright.
Been working again. A lot more than I was before, and a LOT earlier than I'm used to. But I've been getting to work on time.
Passed up for the exact same promotion twice now. The very WORST fucking thing, and I mean that, is to be told multiple times by your boss that you're a phenominal employee, that they "love" you, that they're glad you're a part of their team, and that you're doing a great job of training the other people (which isn't even your job but you're doing it for everyone's benefit), and not even being CONSIDERED for the job. Nothing.
I can't say that that's not affected my mood in a big way lately. I've not really been answering my phone. It's my right to not answer my phone and I'm excersizing that right and if you don't like it then fuck off. Just because you have my number does NOT gaurantee that I'll answer. I could give a shit less if it bothers anyone.
So, diatribe over.
I'm gonna try to change this soon, I've been bad about updating/responding to comments, and I'm sorry. That much I'll try to work on more, but this is a very transitional phase for me so bear with it.
Thanks guys.
Good luck my man!