Drunk drunk Drnunke
Usually, but not always. Neko Case has a new album out. It would be lovely to take a few minutes, forget the rest of your life, and listen to what she has to sing. I think that would make a fantastic Sunday afternoon.

I'm simply a male who for the most part enjoys her company, which is why we hang out.
makes me wonder. I could be reading too much into it (and being that I don't know the first thing about this girl, that's entirely possible), but maybe that's why people say she'll get attached. Maybe she's someone who doesn't need much more than that to get attached.
And if that's why people say that, then the one good thing is that if you act on your theory, you have a better chance of being proven definitively right or wrong. Either you or the folks saying that have to be really, really wrong, if that's what they're basing their statements on, since it's the exact opposite of your theory. So that's always something.