Doo dee doo dee do do do do! Nobody cares where the billenium is! Doo dee do do do! And really, why should they?

Fuck it, Im miserable and proud of it, I own this shit! I am a miserable fucker adn to hell with anyone who wants to judge that. Fuck this, fuck that, can you tell Im upset? If you can good for...
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Heh. Well, long story short, work is unfuckingbelievably hard to find out here (just like the rest of the country), and all I have right now is this thing that only gives me 2 days of work once or twice a month. And I thought I got terminated when in reality I've just been cut back...it's a long story. Suffice it to say that after that phone conversation I was thinking "Yeah, sure enough I'm out of money and I lost the only meager employment I was able to find in the 10 months I've been out here. This is pretty much what I figured things would be like right now." So, no...not totally ruined yet...but I'm getting close. Not to go on and on about my problems, but it's fucking bad out here. And the terrifying thing is that it's only going to get worse.
That's funny, because I was just about to drop you a note to ask if you had seen Trinity. I want to drag The 'Zam to see it, but I know she'll pull her mind tricks on me and make me about it.
And, by way of closure...I AM glad I came out here and got away from the Hamptons...it's just hard for everyone right now...I don't feel singled out at all.
I refuse, REFUSE I SAY, to write a word abotu that fucking mess of a poor choice ridden, no winners, waste of time and hope, wreck and overall reaffirmation of how right I am to ignore polotics of an election that was. Not one!!!


I just did didnt I?

well fuck.... I guess thats all I have to say anyway. In other news, Im...
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I fear nothing. Except batshit crazy republicans, the fact that they are recognizably the majority of this country now, the fact that my apartment will most likely be firebombed soon by fucking retarded Bush-supporting nazi's (because I live with, oh no, GAYYYYY PEOPLE!!!), the fact that I even need to be on a SIDE to support a womans right to her own body, or that of a group of people's descision about how they like to fuck, the fact that the rich will invariably get richer, inversely making the poor get poorer, as crime will rise and the aire of revolution becomes rife in American life, and the simple, plain, immistakable fact that:

If you have a brain, you are NOT proud to be an American.

(for the simple reason that, whereas you might not have pulled the trigger yourself, your mere exsistence spells death for a larger/unfortunate subset of this planet's population. Fuck Bush, fuck the terrorist assholes, fuck Kerry, fuck the media, fuck the rising anti-semitism/anti-homosexuality/anti-choice/anti-life movement, and fuck all those people who would struggle helplessly to resist the idea that they might actually not be right about something)

whew. ahem. excuse me. surreal

Always write journals, bro. Getting it down on web-paper keeps it from taking up space in your dome, which in turn leaves you more room to comtemplate... stuff... whatever

you WENT to a party swarming with half naked girls, and you're saying your life is DULL?
How i envy you :p

heh heh
Happy Halloween you SGing Mutha Fukkas!!!!!!!!!

May many yummy special "treats" be had by you all.

Special "Treats" is code for sex. Or whatever, just have fun you loonies!!!!


Your coded language CONFUSES AND ENRAGES US!!!

hehehehe. Unfortunatly, all I ended up doing was puking up popov & tampico after a crappy college keggar.

Hope you had a good one, tho
Special Treats!


But um, yeah, prepare for the apocalypse. I'm really looking forward to the middle class finally carrying the entire tax burden for the nation. That's going to be swell. I wonder where the next war will be? Iran maybe?

Well, either way, you can sleep tight in your bed tonight thinking about the fact that your nation went to the polls and elected a man not for his policy agendas, but because he talks about jesus. Literally. Everybody who called CSPAN today from the Bush side went on and on about how they hate gays and abortion and how God had a hand in the election and wants W to be president more.

In positive news....I think I'm getting an XBOX soon?
Good Lord!! What the hell is wrong with me not updating my Journal since... Dear god!! August? Am I nuts? Well clearly the answer is yes, im asking my own journal if Im nuts for not writting it. Sigh, and I was such a bright young man before college and the internet. Ah well. If only pompus "professors" and an endless steam of electronic pornagraphy...
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okay time for a change.

I no longer feel completely miserable. biggrin Thats good.

I HAVE slipped back into the comfortable and familiar misery of the job thing. You know in Office Space when Peter sez "so everyday you see me, thats the worst day of my life" Or something like that. Thats very dear to me. on a deep personal level. I don't know what...
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I have successfully dodged fan fic induced rejection.
..my god...
..in that case I hereby dub myself:


and quickly undub myself once again.....cuz really.....let's be serious here.
'lenium, man, thanx for the encouragment... it ain't easy pimpin' these ho's, sometimes...

And by "pimpin ho's", I mean "fixing computers incessantly"...

crushing lonelyness

I miss my friends,
I miss feeling like I belong somewhere, and that I matter in some way,
I miss knowing what I'm going to do,
I miss feeling,
and wanting to feel,
I miss late nights,
I miss later mornings.

Sorry I'm depressed frown

Dude. I know that feeling.

Waking in the morning. Having to peel myself out of a single matress without a boxspring. Getting ready hastily yet hesitantly. Driving the same route to the same office to spend the same ungodly amount of time doing... whatever. Returning home in the cold of the early morning/latest night. Returning home to my cubicle, after droning on in my office (which, coincidentally, is just a small box with pointless windows).

Losing relationships... friends drifting away... love, or any plausable substitute sinking into the depths of awkwardness, then fading faster then a tan. Never even getting a tan, as my life will perpetually be the same pointess drivel.

Locked in an office. Losing hope. Lost ambition.

It IS crushing, when you really sit back and look at it. The booze doesn't satisfy anymore. The notion of independance mocked by the emptiness. FUCK. I'm depressed too.
Cheer up cowbit tongue
I know cheering up doesn't help
I am sad to see my party rules gofrown I am so proud of them, *sigh*

If you have no idea what Im talking about, check the journal before this.

Anyway, A new journal entry, hmmmm, whats been happening in my life worth meantioning? Oh yeah, hamptons during the summer. A big fat nothing with piles of annoying. And if anybody thinks thier cute and...
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why am i leaving a comment in my own journal? weird.
Don't you hate that? You put up a perfectly good entry, and then not a one of your friends actually comments on it... Sorry for being one of THOSE kinda people... anyway:

yeas, I will most likely never go insane enough to actually spawn a child for the taking... but nonetheless, it would be the thought that counts, methinks.

My fave show used to be Cowboy Bebop, but then I realized getting to heavy into a love for something that has already come to a close is a Vicious (ha) loop of anticipation and rehashed memories. Like waiting for the next Python movie, or the like.

Still, I will always take pause to pay homage to the wonderous jewel of good media that was Bebop.

As for spiling my blood on barren land, I would only hope that you would dispose of my vile intestinal fluids as such. No creature on this planet could survive the toxicity of my current blood...
Woo, Party! Um, yeah so I had a pre 4th of july party tonight. It was less than spectacular. No bad, but nothing really worthy of the title "Party" More like a slightly bigger and more disorganized hang out session. I know Core and 'Zamna are going, "Oh! So exactly like every party you've ever had. You fucking loser." Okay, maybe not that exactly, but...
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Your party rules are mcuh known in the realms of band geeks and associated nerds such as myself. I concur with all aforementioned statements, and will continue to bombard you incessantly with superfluously exorbitant terms.


Dude, bill-to-tha-lennium, you should update, yo...

sometimes kinda lonley bein the only fool that updates his shit on this site anymore. (maybe I should consider moving over to livejournal... nah, uh-uhh, screw that...)
I am not good at making new journals. BAD BILLENIUM!!! No tacos for me!

BUt I LOVE the little tacos! I luv dem goooood!

mmmmm.... tacos.

On a side note: do you also refer to giving many thanks as "give you a taco?"

ex: "Dude, if you hook that shit up, I'll buy you a taco."

I thought only eastbay nerds had that psychotic insight... whatever
I've been trying to learn how to use the term "Woot" appropriately.

Ah-hem... Its 'Zamna and Core's Birthdays, Woot!

How'd I do?

Lets see, what else? Umm, Club Dread was cool. Oh yeah, and I saw Chronicals of Riddick. I cannot believe how much it didn't suck. I've never been so dissapointed by a movie not sucking, its crazy.

So thats it for now, See...
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chronicles didn't blow ass??? AWESOME.

I'm a fan of the original pitch black, so I must venture forth.

As for the rest...
