crushing lonelyness
I miss my friends,
I miss feeling like I belong somewhere, and that I matter in some way,
I miss knowing what I'm going to do,
I miss feeling,
and wanting to feel,
I miss late nights,
I miss later mornings.
Sorry I'm depressed
I miss my friends,
I miss feeling like I belong somewhere, and that I matter in some way,
I miss knowing what I'm going to do,
I miss feeling,
and wanting to feel,
I miss late nights,
I miss later mornings.
Sorry I'm depressed

Waking in the morning. Having to peel myself out of a single matress without a boxspring. Getting ready hastily yet hesitantly. Driving the same route to the same office to spend the same ungodly amount of time doing... whatever. Returning home in the cold of the early morning/latest night. Returning home to my cubicle, after droning on in my office (which, coincidentally, is just a small box with pointless windows).
Losing relationships... friends drifting away... love, or any plausable substitute sinking into the depths of awkwardness, then fading faster then a tan. Never even getting a tan, as my life will perpetually be the same pointess drivel.
Locked in an office. Losing hope. Lost ambition.
It IS crushing, when you really sit back and look at it. The booze doesn't satisfy anymore. The notion of independance mocked by the emptiness. FUCK. I'm depressed too.
I know cheering up doesn't help