Friday Nov 12, 2004 Nov 12, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email I am Thoroughly dissapointed with the multi-player mode in Halo 2. I want those 4 hours of sleep time back. sign my petition: 1. Hillary VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS mobprod: Ain't tried it yet. I'm waiting till I can devote a solid 24 hours or so to it. Something like that. I may just wait until Thanksgiving to play with my dad who has somehow become a HALO junkie over the last couple years. Who'da thunk. Nov 13, 2004 evelduc: 2. michael Nov 20, 2004
Something like that.
I may just wait until Thanksgiving to play with my dad who has somehow become a HALO junkie over the last couple years. Who'da thunk.