My coffee is not strong enough. I like mine like, I like my women. BLACK AND STRONG BITCHES..... I still need my night of debauchery. Whose up for babysitting? Fine print is I must be able to tolerate you as well. I can give pills return. Does this sweeten the deal.?? When all else fails Vodka/Red Bulls will help you drive home. I like being fucked up but I hate being drunk. To the break of insanity to it feels like you will not come back. There is no pain on the outer edges. Look around my friends for we are high. I have seen the shores of Pluto and I have traced my finger in the sand. I wrote you a message and it is there for to reply. I only demand a 'yes' for a 'no' will see you die. I heard the noise of a disc loading the movement of the hard drive. The sneaking of the suspense the result of the supply.
I will sneak off to the city, it is such a lovely day no sunshine, in the sky. I want to take pictures today. I realized something yesterday when I watched the troops coming home. Downtown is so beautiful. I was disappointed on the turn out for the homecoming. If you agree or do not these guys gave up a year and a half of their lives, and in some cases all of their lives, away from their families and home, just so we can sit here and bitch towards support or not support. It is sad because I know a little about history and I see this cause slipping away and the troops in the line of fire being forgotten. The war is now about the third or fourth thing mentioned in the news. We no longer know why we are there. It brought tears to my eyes yesterday. I am so glad they are back I wish they could all come home. I have never been so sick to be a citizen it all my life. I am curious about our fate.
Song for today Depeche Mode (track five off of Exciter) {I do not know the name for I a a thief}
I will sneak off to the city, it is such a lovely day no sunshine, in the sky. I want to take pictures today. I realized something yesterday when I watched the troops coming home. Downtown is so beautiful. I was disappointed on the turn out for the homecoming. If you agree or do not these guys gave up a year and a half of their lives, and in some cases all of their lives, away from their families and home, just so we can sit here and bitch towards support or not support. It is sad because I know a little about history and I see this cause slipping away and the troops in the line of fire being forgotten. The war is now about the third or fourth thing mentioned in the news. We no longer know why we are there. It brought tears to my eyes yesterday. I am so glad they are back I wish they could all come home. I have never been so sick to be a citizen it all my life. I am curious about our fate.
Song for today Depeche Mode (track five off of Exciter) {I do not know the name for I a a thief}