I'm meeting up with these guys: http://www.cloudscapecomics.com/about.php this coming week. They've produced an anthology comic. And now they're working on issue 2, which is what I'll be disucssing. I gave them a four page story a week or two ago, and they liked it.( I had a few weeks to work on it, butdidn't spend as much time as I could have, as I was soaking in hot water at a resort in harrison.)

I drew them in pencil, inked them, shaded with pencil, then scanned them, and used photoshop to add words and posterize them. And then I printed and darken some of the lines. It's a process. What you see here, is what I had before printing and adding more ink.
The anthology they're looking at is for a pg-13 audience, so I expect to do something completely different.

I drew them in pencil, inked them, shaded with pencil, then scanned them, and used photoshop to add words and posterize them. And then I printed and darken some of the lines. It's a process. What you see here, is what I had before printing and adding more ink.
The anthology they're looking at is for a pg-13 audience, so I expect to do something completely different.