Well it looks like I finally have a job, well, a carreer now I guess. Just landed a help desk position and its looking good. Its 3 days a week, Fri. Sat. and Sun. from 6pm to 6am, and they offered me 38,500. I was like damn, I dont even have my degree yet., 19 paid days off and 8 paid holidays, benefits start my first day of employment and a ton of other stuff. They even offer pet insurance as a benefit. Lol. Well they called me and gave me the formal offer, they are sending the paperwork right now, and now I have to pass the pre employment screening. I hope I get it. I was terminated from my last job but it wasnt anything major, I was 45 min late one day because I couldnt get my truck started and I had to get a ride. Kinda bullshit if you ask me, especially in Minnesota. But I havent fabricated anything on my resume or on the documents Ive sent in so I dont think it will be a problem. I just worry because its such a good offer I feel like im going to get it in the ass for some reason. Lol. Well wish me luck and if it works my first day will be Feb. 9th. so that gives me a few weekends to get some party on!!!!
congrats--sounds kickass... what degree are you looking at?
wow. what an excellent offer! Should I ever be so lucky. I would LOVE that schedule too, its ideal!