Okay...here it is...

In the LIFESTYLES forum I said communist and commies a bunch of times.....but that is what I call somone who hates guns and wants us all to be cooked in ovens and/or enslaved...If you are a gun enthusiast, then those comments do not apply to you...I will erase them from the board anyways...my big mouth has gotten me into trouble...that's what I...
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Cositer yourself lucky, they never even sent me a warning.
Dont let the boards get to you. It is not about being right here and now, it is about being right when the vote is counted in your favor.
I'm currently embroiled in a feud with that bastard VeganPower. He's lied his ass off, kinda like Michael Moore does, and claimed I have called all of you communists. Those of you who know me know I would never say or do such a thing. What I need is for the people who see my point of view to chime in and tell this lousy...
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"I would like to apologize for to this forum for collectively flipping all of you <b>commies</b> the bird" - BigDan10
See: http://suicidegirls.com/boards/Lifestyle/39593/page6/

Maybe I'm mistaken but that sounded like you were calling people communists. I checked out Morbo's link as well and I'm afraid you said it there too.

Not that I'm interested in getting into a "feud" with you, it just seems that you're unaware of what you are actually saying.
I love my guns, I love my country and I love God...anyone tries to take any of those things away from me....well let's just say don't even try...

I'm currently embroiled in a feud with that bastard VeganPower. He's lied his ass off, kinda like Michael Moore does, and claimed I have called all of you communists. Those of you who know me know I would never say or do such a thing. What I need is for the people who see my point of view to chime in and tell this lousy lying FUCK what you think of him. Read the contents of the "Bowling for Columbine" topic to figure out what it's all about. Read my comments thoroughly and see if I called anyone in this forum a communist. He claims I repeatedly called everyone in this forum a communist.