Internet=up in new apartment! Yay! This feels like the completion of my move. Is it bad that having internet access makes me feel the most at home? heh.
This place is SO much nicer. The carpet is brand new. As in...they're still in the process of putting it DOWN brand new. The refrigerator is brand new. There is wood linoleum in the kitchen and foyer which looks fairly new. They redid the light fixtures. It's freshly painted with no holes in the wall (this is an extreme luxury...). I've only seen 2 cockroaches and I back up to the woods. Not bad. My room is so big it echos...with all of the furniture in it. I've gotta find a way to fix that...but otherwise it's got great energy flow. That's difficult to explain, really. It's just got a very soothing vibe. I've got a giant walk in closet with mass amounts of storage. Central air (this too is extreme luxury...). A blocked in porch (oooo...). I'm quite excited. I'm going to love this place. run another load of crap...
This place is SO much nicer. The carpet is brand new. As in...they're still in the process of putting it DOWN brand new. The refrigerator is brand new. There is wood linoleum in the kitchen and foyer which looks fairly new. They redid the light fixtures. It's freshly painted with no holes in the wall (this is an extreme luxury...). I've only seen 2 cockroaches and I back up to the woods. Not bad. My room is so big it echos...with all of the furniture in it. I've gotta find a way to fix that...but otherwise it's got great energy flow. That's difficult to explain, really. It's just got a very soothing vibe. I've got a giant walk in closet with mass amounts of storage. Central air (this too is extreme luxury...). A blocked in porch (oooo...). I'm quite excited. I'm going to love this place. run another load of crap...
I'd like to believe that it's my influence that you are now talking like a southerner, but I'm not that egotistical.
you could be like me and talk like a southerner all the time.
Your place sounds real nice, I hope you settle in nicely