So the Thanksgiving dinner was a smash hit! My wheat-free vegan pumpkin pie worked, and tasted yummy, especially with delicious vanilla soy ice cream. I love dinner parties!
I was so busy this weekend, sewing up a storm, working, cooking, phew! I did manage to get in a little spare time to watch View From the Top with Gwyneth Paltrow, what a vibrant cheery movie! The only thing that could have made it better was if she hooked up with the dude AND kept doing the super rad international flights, and then they could spend Christmas in Paris together.
Maybe it's just that I want to be part of the jet set. I want to wear super cute Marilyn suits, fly off to Paris and Milan for the weekend to go shopping (although it would just be in thrift stores, modern fashion is so barfy) and visit the other international girls. This is my goal. If only it weren't so bad for the environment to fly. Ooooh, maybe I could take a romantic old ocean liner, with a big dance floor, and big band, and and and......I think I watch too many old movies. Sigh...
I was so busy this weekend, sewing up a storm, working, cooking, phew! I did manage to get in a little spare time to watch View From the Top with Gwyneth Paltrow, what a vibrant cheery movie! The only thing that could have made it better was if she hooked up with the dude AND kept doing the super rad international flights, and then they could spend Christmas in Paris together.
Maybe it's just that I want to be part of the jet set. I want to wear super cute Marilyn suits, fly off to Paris and Milan for the weekend to go shopping (although it would just be in thrift stores, modern fashion is so barfy) and visit the other international girls. This is my goal. If only it weren't so bad for the environment to fly. Ooooh, maybe I could take a romantic old ocean liner, with a big dance floor, and big band, and and and......I think I watch too many old movies. Sigh...

happy belated thanks giving. when are you coming back?
Goooooooo JET SET!!!