Thoughts from the couch of the unemployed:
* Why do people still go on Maury or Springer? Is this their 15 minutes and they'll take it any way they can get it?
* How common is albinism? Is it wrong that, when I spot an albino dude in L.A. - even from far away - I know almost immediately and with certainty that it is this guy I know? (Kind of like spotting your black friend at the College of William and Mary from across campus. No offense to black alumnae/ni of the College. And I heard they're working on more diversity there. Go Tribe!)
* Why is it that no fewer than a half dozen of my brother's high school classmates ended up working in Los Angeles to varying degrees of fame and success? This does my brother no good, as he does not live here. Why did all of my high school classmates choose to stay in Northern Virginia?
* Did you know Jerry now has hot female security team members? They pry apart the fighting women guests.
* Why do I still watch Grey's Anatomy? Don't answer that.
* Why do people still go on Maury or Springer? Is this their 15 minutes and they'll take it any way they can get it?
* How common is albinism? Is it wrong that, when I spot an albino dude in L.A. - even from far away - I know almost immediately and with certainty that it is this guy I know? (Kind of like spotting your black friend at the College of William and Mary from across campus. No offense to black alumnae/ni of the College. And I heard they're working on more diversity there. Go Tribe!)
* Why is it that no fewer than a half dozen of my brother's high school classmates ended up working in Los Angeles to varying degrees of fame and success? This does my brother no good, as he does not live here. Why did all of my high school classmates choose to stay in Northern Virginia?
* Did you know Jerry now has hot female security team members? They pry apart the fighting women guests.
* Why do I still watch Grey's Anatomy? Don't answer that.
* It's not very common (Brother Ali once told me the statistic, but i've forgotten), and its not wrong to immediately spot them. It is what it is. Your friend gets around LA, apparently.
* I thought Michigan was the home of migrating filmmakerrs. . .
* Is Andrei Arlovski still the head of secujrity for Springer? Lo how the mighty can rise and fall. . .
* For the record, I'm sensitive to the power of words, but between sharon stone and the hogan family, what have we come to? Sometimes you just want to impeach fellow members of the human race.