Up at 6 this morning. Waiting for the Rustic to open so I can get a bloody mary breakfast to cure what ails me... also wondering who to call for company at said breakfast. I've got a few options but honestly I miss my cousin, who was always good for all manner of getting up to no good. And the conversations rocked. I trusted his opinion on my bullshit issues, of which there are a few right now.
Workwise things were nuts this week. What insane boss decides to move offices during the American Film Market AND while the company president is in town? I was lucky enough to escape most of the boss's wrath, but it was still a tough, tough time. I need to go over to the office sometime today to set up my desk and files and such. I now have an office (!) with a door (!) and a window (!) overlooking Ventura Blvd.
AFM has been good to me. My amazing coworker has been the one fully covering the market, but I've snuck away from the grind to see flicks for about a day and a half. Favorite so far is Neil Marshall's DESCENT. I adore this man. First half is claustrophobic caving goodness with dire chick drama, second half is a kickass creature feature. Loved it, loved it. Walked out of a B-movie Chinese horror adaptation called APARTMENT 6. Loved an Indonesian wandering rom-com called JONI'S PROMISE, wherein Joni (a guy teenager) is just trying to deliver film reels and meet a girl at the end of the flick, but people and events just keep getting in the way... it won a bunch of Indonesian MTV awards, if that gives you any clue... also liked a Chinese film that my parent company bought called PERHAPS LOVE. Picture MOULIN ROUGE meets CHICAGO meets AMELIE with a dash of ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND. (How's that for D-speak for ya?) And a bachelor party movie my friend worked on called VEGAS BABY was amusing thanks to performances from the hot Donald Faison and the skilled, skilled, skilled Kal Penn (my new boyfriend). And I saw three French movies, two about the airplace industry, oddly enough, but I'll save those for another entry.
A few parties this week. An industry party at AFM had good food, good space, a few good people. No, no celebs save Rodriguez looking exactly like you'd expect him to look (i.e. bandana and jeans and white tee shirt, even at a hoity-toity thingamajig). I evaded an exec's question about one of the movies we have that he wants to remake.... and fell into internal professional remorse because there were PULSE clips showing on tvs throughout the place. I am talking about the new one, though the selling trailer had bits of the original thrown in, including the water tower suicide. The visuals were okay, and Kristen Bell looked appropriately terrified. There wasn't too much use of the internet site - DO YOU WANT TO SEE A GHOST? - which is I think a good thing. But, man, lots of memories... one day I will write a book about the time I spent working on that project back when it was a baby debacle waiting to happen. Did I learn anything? Fuck if I know.
I will say I still dream of being a director's producing partner because while directors are insane fucks, they're brilliant and driven and have more useful, focused passion than most people in his business. And to follow on that, if I ever get the chance to be in the place of being a director's right hand, I will follow that man (or woman, though there are precious few woman directors) into the fray, holding his hand, supporting his vision the whole time. Because bad, good, or indifferent, that is the way to go.
Anyway, I cut out of ye old industry party early to go to a friend's birthday party, which was awesome. 80s theme night, hot & kind people (including a flirty Scarlett Johanssen type), and the birthday girl herself, who is just plain kickass. Again, I ended up taking leave a bit early, mostly to extracate myself from some impending sexual/dating drama.
And last night was a pirate-themed party for my friend's 30th. A calmer affair than the previous two, but full of good pirate punch, excellent pirate accessories, and even someone's adorable baby girl with a bandana and a painted-on pirate mustache. (And I am not the type to find babies adorable.) It was a time.
Blowing off a race today =( because we drank too much last night... instead I am off to find a partner for breakfast and then I'm going to *the* races (yeah, I am gonna bet on horsies).
Workwise things were nuts this week. What insane boss decides to move offices during the American Film Market AND while the company president is in town? I was lucky enough to escape most of the boss's wrath, but it was still a tough, tough time. I need to go over to the office sometime today to set up my desk and files and such. I now have an office (!) with a door (!) and a window (!) overlooking Ventura Blvd.
AFM has been good to me. My amazing coworker has been the one fully covering the market, but I've snuck away from the grind to see flicks for about a day and a half. Favorite so far is Neil Marshall's DESCENT. I adore this man. First half is claustrophobic caving goodness with dire chick drama, second half is a kickass creature feature. Loved it, loved it. Walked out of a B-movie Chinese horror adaptation called APARTMENT 6. Loved an Indonesian wandering rom-com called JONI'S PROMISE, wherein Joni (a guy teenager) is just trying to deliver film reels and meet a girl at the end of the flick, but people and events just keep getting in the way... it won a bunch of Indonesian MTV awards, if that gives you any clue... also liked a Chinese film that my parent company bought called PERHAPS LOVE. Picture MOULIN ROUGE meets CHICAGO meets AMELIE with a dash of ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND. (How's that for D-speak for ya?) And a bachelor party movie my friend worked on called VEGAS BABY was amusing thanks to performances from the hot Donald Faison and the skilled, skilled, skilled Kal Penn (my new boyfriend). And I saw three French movies, two about the airplace industry, oddly enough, but I'll save those for another entry.
A few parties this week. An industry party at AFM had good food, good space, a few good people. No, no celebs save Rodriguez looking exactly like you'd expect him to look (i.e. bandana and jeans and white tee shirt, even at a hoity-toity thingamajig). I evaded an exec's question about one of the movies we have that he wants to remake.... and fell into internal professional remorse because there were PULSE clips showing on tvs throughout the place. I am talking about the new one, though the selling trailer had bits of the original thrown in, including the water tower suicide. The visuals were okay, and Kristen Bell looked appropriately terrified. There wasn't too much use of the internet site - DO YOU WANT TO SEE A GHOST? - which is I think a good thing. But, man, lots of memories... one day I will write a book about the time I spent working on that project back when it was a baby debacle waiting to happen. Did I learn anything? Fuck if I know.
I will say I still dream of being a director's producing partner because while directors are insane fucks, they're brilliant and driven and have more useful, focused passion than most people in his business. And to follow on that, if I ever get the chance to be in the place of being a director's right hand, I will follow that man (or woman, though there are precious few woman directors) into the fray, holding his hand, supporting his vision the whole time. Because bad, good, or indifferent, that is the way to go.
Anyway, I cut out of ye old industry party early to go to a friend's birthday party, which was awesome. 80s theme night, hot & kind people (including a flirty Scarlett Johanssen type), and the birthday girl herself, who is just plain kickass. Again, I ended up taking leave a bit early, mostly to extracate myself from some impending sexual/dating drama.
And last night was a pirate-themed party for my friend's 30th. A calmer affair than the previous two, but full of good pirate punch, excellent pirate accessories, and even someone's adorable baby girl with a bandana and a painted-on pirate mustache. (And I am not the type to find babies adorable.) It was a time.
Blowing off a race today =( because we drank too much last night... instead I am off to find a partner for breakfast and then I'm going to *the* races (yeah, I am gonna bet on horsies).
Where are ya
Lets talk.
