Things that Rock:
* Halloween parties.
* Flirting.
* The Nightmare Before Christmas, Frankenweenie, and Vincent
* Masters of Horror
* A sincere, kickass compliment from an unbelievably sexy woman.
* Getting hit on in a non-skeezy way:
Dude on Hwood Blvd: "Hey, girl with the awesome hair! Where you going, girl?"
Me, smiling: "Away."
Dude: "Well, can I go away with you?"
* People realizing you may, in fact, rock.
* Diet Rockstar
* Candace at the Rustic in a hot French maid outfit.
* Hot costumes, period: slutty Alice, slutty Dorothy, slutty Rainbow Brite.
* Cool costumes: Aquaman ("he talks to the fishes! that is TOTALLY a superpower!") & Dorothy Parker, Cruella De Vil, MacReady from THE THING
* Strippers who wear cat ears 'cause it's Halloween.
* Sunday afternoon business meetings that are actually productive, fun, and informative.
Things that Suck:
* Bosses coming back from Tokyo with their dials set to "spazz."
* Losing the tivo remote.
* People who don't call back.
* Halloween parties.
* Flirting.
* The Nightmare Before Christmas, Frankenweenie, and Vincent
* Masters of Horror
* A sincere, kickass compliment from an unbelievably sexy woman.
* Getting hit on in a non-skeezy way:
Dude on Hwood Blvd: "Hey, girl with the awesome hair! Where you going, girl?"
Me, smiling: "Away."
Dude: "Well, can I go away with you?"
* People realizing you may, in fact, rock.
* Diet Rockstar
* Candace at the Rustic in a hot French maid outfit.
* Hot costumes, period: slutty Alice, slutty Dorothy, slutty Rainbow Brite.
* Cool costumes: Aquaman ("he talks to the fishes! that is TOTALLY a superpower!") & Dorothy Parker, Cruella De Vil, MacReady from THE THING
* Strippers who wear cat ears 'cause it's Halloween.
* Sunday afternoon business meetings that are actually productive, fun, and informative.
Things that Suck:
* Bosses coming back from Tokyo with their dials set to "spazz."
* Losing the tivo remote.
* People who don't call back.
I agree 100% with the "People who don't call back."
hey...where are you....change your journal...some of us are wondering about you.