I had a spectacular weekend, loaded with all manners of fun and excitement. Some slight issues intervened from time to time, but overall I am a happy girl.
Things that Rule:
*The Good Hurt, a bar/performance space in Venice,
complete with prescription drinks, dirty nurses, hula hoop groovers, and techno belly dancers.
*Seeing a friend dance nude and do a damn good job of it besides. The woman is confident, sexy, and classy. (I was invited to take a pole dancing class but I can't even dance, so no need to embarass myself.)
*Faulker Farms Pumpkin patch and Halloween extravaganza in Ventura, complete with rabbit-scratched pumpkins, hayrides, face painting, and a fabulous Elvis impersonator
*Dizzie Dots, the vintage store in H-wood/Los Feliz, with a great selection of second-hand Halloween costumes.
*Hanging out with awesome, intelligent, beautiful people.
*Good Night and Good Luck. Clooney is indeed a smart director. An informative, simple, stylish movie. David Straightharn is a god. Casting also includes Reed Diamond (HOMICIDE) and Ray Wise (TWIN PEAKS) so you KNOW I was jazzed. Only bummer is one starts drawing the obvious parallel between McCarthyism and Bush's "if you are not with us, you are against us" Iraqui debacle. {steps off soapbox] Also, I don't quite get the significance/importance placed on the Patricia Clarkson/Robert Downey Jr. characters.
Need to squeeze in a hill walk before work....
Things that Rule:
*The Good Hurt, a bar/performance space in Venice,
complete with prescription drinks, dirty nurses, hula hoop groovers, and techno belly dancers.
*Seeing a friend dance nude and do a damn good job of it besides. The woman is confident, sexy, and classy. (I was invited to take a pole dancing class but I can't even dance, so no need to embarass myself.)
*Faulker Farms Pumpkin patch and Halloween extravaganza in Ventura, complete with rabbit-scratched pumpkins, hayrides, face painting, and a fabulous Elvis impersonator
*Dizzie Dots, the vintage store in H-wood/Los Feliz, with a great selection of second-hand Halloween costumes.
*Hanging out with awesome, intelligent, beautiful people.
*Good Night and Good Luck. Clooney is indeed a smart director. An informative, simple, stylish movie. David Straightharn is a god. Casting also includes Reed Diamond (HOMICIDE) and Ray Wise (TWIN PEAKS) so you KNOW I was jazzed. Only bummer is one starts drawing the obvious parallel between McCarthyism and Bush's "if you are not with us, you are against us" Iraqui debacle. {steps off soapbox] Also, I don't quite get the significance/importance placed on the Patricia Clarkson/Robert Downey Jr. characters.
Need to squeeze in a hill walk before work....
Star wars in 30 was hilarious. the highlight of celebration 3. I had a bad class last night but i'm ok. Thanks for responding back.
You know...u need to go on chat sometimes so we can talk