Work is hellaciously busy. A lot's getting thrown to me because boss one is ensnared in personal drama & the Jewish holidays, and boss two is running the U.S. side of production on a tv show we're shooting in Japan. In the meantime, someone's got to cover the phone calls and shitwork to try to get the rest of our projects up and running... and my counterpart is giving me the cold shoulder because I (and not she) *may* (read: not gonna happen, but they're dangling the carrot) be going with the bosses on a big business trip next week.
I have lunch today with a couple of old coworkers. The company is folding, so I am sure there will be lots of good gossip to be had about politics and everyone's next moves and such.
Boys are seriously tiring. A guy I'd written off after one too many disappearing acts resumes contact out of the fucking blue, telling me he misses me and I mean a ton to him ("you're the best person I know in this city"). He wants to meet and talk about "what happened between us." I had forgotten "what happened between us" months ago, because 1) it was no big deal and 2) I am a smart girl like that.
I think my wise friend Annie told me this: "Women are cynics pretending to be romantics. Men are romantics pretending to be cynics." This is amazingly true. The scary part, though, is that I seem to get enmeshed with men who are such romantics that they don't even pretend to be cynics. Or maybe it's just that everyone's more honest with me.
Can anyone tell me why Veronica Mars is with that tool Duncan? I seriously don't get it. I liked Logan until he turned into a complete nutcase and revealed himself to be waaaay too fey for my tastes. (Seriously, that boy could never really bed Charisma Carpenter.) But Duncan? What's there to attract ANYONE?
I had a dream the other night in which Gamera (yes, the big biometalic turtle, only reinivisioned in friendlier cartoon form) needed my comfort. I honestly think Duncan the lunkhead on VMars and Gamera are linked in my brain.
Enjoyed Wendy's set this week. A "real woman" as one site member called her, and sexy to the core. Made me want to try blue eyeshadow and dark-rimmed glasses, only on me, it'd look clownish.
All right. Work. Coffee. In that order, since I've spent too much time blathering on here...
I have lunch today with a couple of old coworkers. The company is folding, so I am sure there will be lots of good gossip to be had about politics and everyone's next moves and such.
Boys are seriously tiring. A guy I'd written off after one too many disappearing acts resumes contact out of the fucking blue, telling me he misses me and I mean a ton to him ("you're the best person I know in this city"). He wants to meet and talk about "what happened between us." I had forgotten "what happened between us" months ago, because 1) it was no big deal and 2) I am a smart girl like that.
I think my wise friend Annie told me this: "Women are cynics pretending to be romantics. Men are romantics pretending to be cynics." This is amazingly true. The scary part, though, is that I seem to get enmeshed with men who are such romantics that they don't even pretend to be cynics. Or maybe it's just that everyone's more honest with me.
Can anyone tell me why Veronica Mars is with that tool Duncan? I seriously don't get it. I liked Logan until he turned into a complete nutcase and revealed himself to be waaaay too fey for my tastes. (Seriously, that boy could never really bed Charisma Carpenter.) But Duncan? What's there to attract ANYONE?
I had a dream the other night in which Gamera (yes, the big biometalic turtle, only reinivisioned in friendlier cartoon form) needed my comfort. I honestly think Duncan the lunkhead on VMars and Gamera are linked in my brain.
Enjoyed Wendy's set this week. A "real woman" as one site member called her, and sexy to the core. Made me want to try blue eyeshadow and dark-rimmed glasses, only on me, it'd look clownish.
All right. Work. Coffee. In that order, since I've spent too much time blathering on here...
glad I got a chance to talk to you last night

did u eventually go out