This week was bad because:

1) "Hey lady, your car is burning!" ... and, I need a new car.

2) "We're trying to get a hold of your installation technician and we will apply a $20 on-time credit. Thank you for your patience." ... and, the techie never showed.

3) "NEVER say 'we don't have the rights.'" ... said not 12 hours after I was...
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nice talking to you blush kiss Anyone who enjoys Veronica mars is a friend of mine.
The pic is by my friend Morgan, a very talented man who fled L.A. for his OR home a little while ago. He and T are ostensibly going to Hawaii in November... wish I could afford the time and money to take them up on the invitation to join.

I made it to the gym this morning, albeit late. T wasn't there.

Coffee is the...
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Be safe! I hope the fires arent threatening you!!! frown frown

They're due north of Malibu... it's pretty unnerving!

Aside from black air where I work and ash coating my domicile one day this week, I am fortunately fine. Los Angeles is a crazy place my friend... you stay safe!
So T and I slogged through a 5K this morning and I am pretty darn proud. We stopped to walk twice for a couple minutes each time, so we didn't meet my personal goal of 10-min miles (not by a long shot) but we jogged the thing, so yay us.

It was the race for the cure (breast cancer) and the survivor and "in memory...
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It's raining.

In Los Angeles.

In September.

There is a god.
it always seems to rain in LA when I come around tongue

Went to bookstore to buy RATS SAW GOD for a friend who's leaving town. (She's now a big Rob Thomas fan thanks to VERONICA MARS.)

Borders had no Rob Thomas (horrors!).

Instead, I bought for myself the following:

*the sept issue of Fango
*Wish You Were Here by Stuart O'Nan, whom I love
*He's Just Not that Into You (yes, I am horrified at myself....
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So its been a good long weekend so far. Friend from home (Kel, known her since I was three) was here and me & our shared best friend spent Sat-Sun entertaining her. Bars, beach, and runs were the order of the day. All three of us are striving to run a marathon in December, but, for the record, drinking heavily the night before running =...
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Went out last night with three friends to a sheesha (hookah) parlor a stones throw from work. Pricey place, but the smoke, food, and ambience were worth it. Huge place that was, surprisingly, full by nights end. I guess the weekend really does start on a Thursday especially when its a holiday weekend. We were surprised and entertained by the belly dancer who emerged to...
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...Been meaning to begin an online journal, and SG seems like an interesting place to start....
Welcome to the site. You might want to take a look around the SG Newbies group, there's some helpful info in there that'll make it easier to get settled in here. smile