AWWW...I feel so loved. Dan-o called me tonight, all the way from Spring Hill, Florida. We had the best talk, just like old times. Earlier tonight I was so fucking bored so I decided to drive to the local head shop and get some cloves. 5.33 for a pack...seems like someones getting away with murder. HMM!! Then I drove to BP and made me a french vanilla cappacino..with extra vanilla. Yum! After that I found myself driving by a friends work to see if he was there, then finally I stopped by Dooney's house to rescue her from her redneck ex...yeee haw! I'm so freaking not in a good mood. I'd be in a PERFECT mood forever and always if I could just get a hug from one special person right now, but I dont see that happening anytime soon. WEELLLLLL tomorrow is job hunting day, ohhhhh what fun I shall have. I need to find some hot guys to hang around so my days will be more interesting...for sure. Anyone who wants to take me up of my offer feel free to let me know. Later.
What's up? anything new?
is butch walker a band or a person