My life is fucking shit. See, I'd elaborate on this, but that'd take weeks worth of typing (yup, it was years worth of livin'.)
You know, at one time, I used to blog on here almost nightly. Then I started a family and my daily happenings weren't just my own doing, and weren't just my own affect. They were a part of a few people's lives. I couldn't just rant about my own feelings without bringing up events that affected other people who weren't on here and thus didn't see or know about what I was talkin' about. See, I'm really big on not bringing up private stuff from folks and plastering them publicly on the net. It's a big thing for me (it's funny that I've recieved criticism saying otherwise. Irony is the bset word to describe it.) That, along with all the rest of stuff that's involved enabled those involved to utilize that against me. I'm a victim of my own god damn fuckin' creation.
I know this is severely cryptic and, well pretty much useless rantings to anyone who reads it, but that's just a way of life for me these days. I have a super strong yearning for times of past. That way of living where you just do your thing and if people didn't like it, fuck `em! You made your choices and they weren't shit when you made `em so they ain't shit when you live `em. That was the thought, at least. It was a bold and digressive way of life, and it's effects are nothing but bold and aggressive.
Sorry I have nothing positive, enlightening, or entertaining to say, but it is what it is. I bullshit noone. :D