Friday I went down to the New Moon to meet up with a client to drop off the cartoons I did for him and get paid; ran into Brian_XVX on my way in and we chatted for a little bit. Then I stopped into the House of Heroes and talked with Scott; he told me that Oshkosh has a "mural law" - where the city does not allow business owners to paint a mural on the outside of their building- WTF?
It was passed in hopes to prevent graffiti in the city; but holy shit is that fucking wrong. "Paint a mural, get a FINE!" That kind of ordinance I would expect in communist Russia, but not HERE! I tell you, we gotta stop letting old people control the elections.
Saturday I had the signing, where unfortunately - other than a couple close friends - nobody showed up.
*shrug* What can ya do? There even was an announcement in the Post Crescent for it on Wednesday, but I guess nobody felt like walking outside in the heat or something. Anyway, after the signing I saw two movies - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Dark Water. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was fucking excellent and very funny - Johnny Depp was, well, amazing as always. Believe it or not, I have NOT seen the original Willie Wonka movie. That's right, your eyes are not deceiving you, I haven't seen Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. And yes, I know I must see it right away; now more than before because I want to compare the original with the remake. But Charlie and the Chocolate Factory had me belly laughing from start to finish.
Dark Water was unfortunately dull, boring and not scary in the slightest. I was disappointed; the previews show you all the good stuff.
Today I'm going to a surprise birthday party, and all this week I'll be working on finishing up the mural.

Saturday I had the signing, where unfortunately - other than a couple close friends - nobody showed up.

Dark Water was unfortunately dull, boring and not scary in the slightest. I was disappointed; the previews show you all the good stuff.
Today I'm going to a surprise birthday party, and all this week I'll be working on finishing up the mural.
That sucks that no one showed up. If you ever have a thing in Madison, I'll go.